Registration for PAUSE

2002-12-07 Thread isabelle
Name: Isabelle Hernandez Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: None User-ID (preferred): ISA, ISABELLE (I know you asked for a 4-to-9-char ID, but just in case, my preferred ID would be ISA. Thank you for your consideration.) I've written a module that converts numbers (cardinals or ordinals) into

Registration for PAUSE

2002-11-29 Thread Nathan Byrd
Name: Nathan Byrd Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred ID: NBYRD Planned Contribution: Apache::PAR - A framework for including Perl ARchive (zip) files in a mod_perl environment. Based on mod_perl,, and Archive::Zip. Allows serving of static content, Registry Scripts, PerlRun scripts, and mod

Registration for PAUSE

2002-11-15 Thread Clinton Gormley
Name: Clinton Gormley Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: None User-ID (preferred) : DRTECH I've written a wrapper around Apache::Session which adds : 1) Short term session tracking by cookie or URL 2) Long term user tracking by cookie or URL 3) Login / lo

Registration for PAUSE

2002-11-09 Thread Philipp Gühring
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, * your name Philipp Gühring * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters long, * all uppercase, letters only. One dash

Registration for PAUSE

2002-11-01 Thread Max Baker
Max Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred ID : MAXB Planned Contribution : SNMP::CDP - Interface to Cisco Discovery Protocol using net-snmp (SNMP::)

Registration for PAUSE server

2002-10-30 Thread Eric Anderson
I am writing to register for a username and password for the PAUSE server. The information below should cover everything. Please e-mail if any questions: Name: Eric Anderson Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-ID: FIDUS Stuff I am planning to contribute: * Currently have a Attribute::Constructor module

registration for pause account

2002-05-18 Thread blaine
Hello; I have a module (or two?) that I'd like to contribute to CPAN, and as such this is my application for a PAUSE account. Name:Blaine Cook Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User ID: LATTICE The module that I'm primarily interested in contributing is a generic form generator/processor. It's b

registration for PAUSE

2002-05-13 Thread Joost Diepenmaat
Hello, I would like to register to PAUSE. This is my info: Name: joost diepenmaat Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: preferred ID: JDIEPEN I am planning on contributing: * - a simple backtracking mechanism - preview on http://www.

Registration for pause

2002-04-15 Thread alain
Hello, I'd like to register a pause userid, in order to be able to receive transfer of ownership of the Jvm package for Wei Ye. Name: Alain Knaff E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred User-id: AL-KNAFF Description: continue to maintain Wei Ye's Jvm module Than

Registration for PAUSE

2001-11-20 Thread Richard More
Name: Richard More E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Userid: RMORE I would like to contribute a module that process PDF documents/forms via a web server. Some beginning/rough docs are avail My intial module name would be PDF::FDF::CGI. Tha

registration for PAUSE/CPAN

2001-08-03 Thread Matt Vella
name : Matt Vella email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage if you have one: not worht mentioning right now preferred user-ID on CPAN: MCVELLA a short description of what you're planning to contribute : initially, HTML::CalendarMonthDB, a module which facilitates creation of persistant (database s

Registration for PAUSE

2001-02-06 Thread Vincent Labella
Vincent P. LaBella [EMAIL PROTECTED] USERID: VPLA Description: INSPEC module -- allows extraction of citation information from INSPEC via the www. Supplying the journal name, volume and page number this module will retreive the citation (authors, title, abstract etc.)

Re: Registration for PAUSE

1999-12-19 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Christian Lackas wrote: > I've written a perl script that extracts images from postscriptfiles and I > want to upload it to the CPAN. For the details of getting the script into the script repository at CPAN you should talk to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] people. - ask -- ask b

Registration for PAUSE

1999-12-13 Thread Christian Lackas
Hello maintainers, I've written a perl script that extracts images from postscriptfiles and I want to upload it to the CPAN. Name: Christian Lackas eMail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Homepage: Preferred UID on CPAN: DELTA Description: psrip ist a perl-script for the console that e