Hi Peter, Philippe
Made SARGIE primary maintainer of RTF::Action.
Made SARGIE primary maintainer of RTF::Charsets.
Made SARGIE primary maintainer of RTF::Config.
Made SARGIE primary maintainer of RTF::Control.
Made SARGIE primary maintainer of RTF::HTML::Converter.
Made SARGIE primary mainta
I'm trying to put RTF::Parser "on ice" nicely, by getting a version that
passes all tests, doesn't say UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE, etc, up on the CPAN.
The most recent version gave me indexing failures for the following
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [RTF::Parser]
statd: [a]
stats: [?]
statl: [?]
stati: [?]
statp: [?]
description: [Base class for parsing RTF files]
userid: [SARGIE] was [SNKWATT]
chapterid: [11]
mlstatus: [list]
Hi Peter
It's not really clear which Stuart your email is addressed to:
But, anyway:
Added SARGIE to co-maintainers of RTF::Parser.
Ron Savage
Hi Stuart,
Quite a while ago I transferred maintainership of RTF::Parser to you.
You've not made a release in that time. I've recently gained some free
time, and would like to make a few fixes. Please would you consider adding
me as a comaintainer, or transferring maintainership back. (
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [RTF::Parser]
statd: [a]
stats: [?]
statl: [?]
stati: [?]
statp: [?]
description: [Base class for parsing RTF files]
userid: [SNKWATT] was [SARGIE]
chapterid: [11]
mlstatus: [list]
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [RTF::Parser]
statd: [a]
stats: [?]
statl: [?]
stati: [?]
statp: [?]
description: [Base class for parsing RTF files]
userid: [SARGIE] was [PVERD]
chapterid: [11]
mlstatus: [list]