Please register me for CPAN

2002-11-06 Thread Richard Lippmann
Name: Richard Lippmann Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred userid: HORSHACK Plan to contribute: perl-modules for use in management of networks and databases Greetings Horshack

Please register me as a new module contributor

2002-10-25 Thread cpan
Name:  Lawrence Hixson Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: UserID:  aquacade   I'd like to contribute a module for Julian Day (JD) number to/from conversions that are absolutely accurate from 1/1/ BC to 12/31/ AD to the second (perhaps a wider range of years if my

Please register me on PAUSE

2002-07-29 Thread Russell Lundberg
Name:Russell Lundberg Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home page:[NONE] Preferred ID: LUNDO Description: AppWrap is a web GUI front end to DB back end, making it easy for users to maintain and track dynamic data; easy for admins to increase the scope of data included. Improv

Please register me on PAUSE

2002-05-11 Thread Ivor Williams
Name:        Ivor Williams Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pref'd ID:    IVORW   I am preparing a module Class::Dynamic, which is a module to support objects with individual data and methods in a persistable way.   Ivor.

Please register me as a prospective module author

2002-04-10 Thread Paul Winkeler
Name: Paul Winkeler Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Handle: DUTCHMAN First round of modules center around an abstraction of the Veritas Netbackup environment hiding its plethora of disjointed command line utilities behind an object-oriented frame work. <>

please register me

2002-04-05 Thread Boris Zentner
name: Boris Zentner email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: - preferred user-ID: BORISZ I maintain Apache::PageKit. The main reason to register is that i want to release a new version sometimes.

PLease register me

2002-04-02 Thread Cloutier, Christian
Preferred user-id: CCLOUTIER I'm planning to contribute the GD::Gauge module to draw different types of graphics gauges using the GD module. Christian Cloutier.

please register me: have cool module

2001-08-08 Thread Michael Katkin
Name: Michael Katkin Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HomePage: Preferred User ID: KATMONKEY Description: A dynamic search and retrieve module intially called lookfor. Basically, the module looks for some sort of patern, finds it, optionally stores information about it and then jump

Please Register Me

2001-06-21 Thread Chris Chittleborough
Please register me with PAUSE. Name: Chris Chittleborough E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred CPAN IDs:C-CHITTLE, CCHITTLE, CHRISCHIT Planned Contributions: Scripts for (1) managing and fixing PostScript documents (2) managing local

Please register me as a developer

2001-05-30 Thread Jeff Holt
name: Jeffrey Holt email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred usernam: jlholt description: Two programs and a module: an Oracle performance data collector, a data uploader, and a module common to both. Jeff Holt Chief Scientist, Hotsos LLC mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +1.817.821.9553

Please register me as a CPAN author

2001-01-04 Thread Charles Lane
Name: Charles Lane Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred-ID: CLANE Contribution Description: Name DSLI Description

Please register me

2000-12-04 Thread Dirk Koopman
Name: Dirk-Jan Koopman Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: User-ID: D-JK (or even DJK, DKOOPMAN) Description: a module for manipulating circular doubly linked lists (and some other stuff including Ham Radio applications). I am using this module in vario

Please register me

2000-10-09 Thread Jim Turner
Greetings, Please register me as a "developer" for CPAN. I have my first module that I feel is ready to contribute on CPAN. My name is: Jim Turner email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred abUser-id: turnerjw Name of module: DBD::Sprite DSLI: RdpO I

Please register me as a CPAN author

2000-10-02 Thread Edward Avis
Name: Ed Avis Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred user-id: ED-AVIS Planning to contribute: improved versions of Convert::Recode ...which would look like this: Convert:: Recode Rdpf Mapping functions between character sets ED-AVIS I sent the author of this module (Gisle Aas) a patch and he sug

Re: Please register me.

2000-09-26 Thread Terry Weissman
> Name DSLI Description Info > - - > VXML::Server bmpO Very easy way to create phone applications TERRY Sigh; I just found out that the "VXML" name is being deprecated. I will ac

Please register me.

2000-09-26 Thread Terry Weissman
I would like to contribute to CPAN. I need to get registered as an author. Name: Terry Weissman Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred user-id: TERRY Second choice: TW I plan to contribute a library to make it very very easy to write VoiceXML applications.

Please register me as a perl developer

2000-09-06 Thread Daniel Sherer
Per instructions at, I please register me as a developer. your name: Daniel Sherer your email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] your homepage: your preferred user-ID: DSHERER a description of what you&#x

Please register me as a developer

2000-08-10 Thread Thomas Pfau
Please register me as a developer. Name: Thomas Pfau Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home Page: Preferred User Id: pfaut Modules: Name DSLI Description Info

Please register me

2000-06-19 Thread Daniel S. Lewart
To whom it may concern, Please register me as a new developer. Name: Daniel S. Lewart Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: ID: DSLEWART Contribution: Name: Math::Libm DSLI: bdcf Description: Interface to libm constants and functions

Please register me as an author

2000-02-09 Thread Lupe Christoph
Hi, maintainers! I've finally committed myself to *completing* a module (there are quite a few in limbo ...) and put it on CPAN. (I need this for a project, and decided to make it available for free rather than charge my customer.) Here's the info for PAUSE: your name Lupe Christoph y

Please register me

2000-02-08 Thread Jeremy Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] JGILB PLANNING: A text conversion module using a fake stdio library for lex/yacc, a Apache JServ monitor, a Application Server architecture for Perl. Name DSLI Description Info - --