New module Filesys::SamFS

2000-04-09 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Filesys::SamFS DSLI:adcf description: Interface to SamFS API userid: LUPE (Lupe Christoph) chapterid: 10 (File_Names_Systems_Locking) enteredby: ANDK (Andreas J. König) enteredon: Su

New module Filesys::SamFS

2000-02-23 Thread Lupe Christoph
Hi! Please add Filesys::SamFS to the module list. I have just uploaded the first public release to PAUSE (L/LU/LUPE/Filesys-SamFS-0.021.tar.gz). I trust the namespace is OK. :-) The entry for the module list still stands as in my request for registration: Filesys::SamFS adcfInterfac