Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [Tie::Wx::Widget]
statd: [R]
stats: [d]
statl: [p]
stati: [r]
statp: [p]
description: [get/set value of a widget with less syntax] was [get/set value
of a Widget with less syntax]
userid: [LICHTK
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [Tie::Wx::Widget]
statd: [R] was [b]
stats: [d]
statl: [p]
stati: [r]
statp: [p]
description: [get/set value of a Widget with less syntax]
userid: [LICHTKIND]
chapterid: [8]
mlstatus: [list]
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [Tie::Wx::Widget]
statd: [b] was [a]
stats: [d]
statl: [p]
stati: [r]
statp: [p]
description: [get/set value of a Widget with less syntax]
userid: [LICHTKIND]
chapterid: [8]
mlstatus: [list]