> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 20:53:36 -0700, Ryan Voots
> said:
< klapperl> veesh,mst,Grinnz,haarg,ether,simcop2387: distro
BBB/Module-AutoLoad-0.06.tar.gz is taken down, author BBB is set to nologin;
anything else needed as a first aid? Thank you all!
Wow, what a morning!
Resending with the right email for andk, blame mst for that.
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 7:07 PM Ryan Voots
> Not found by me but I'm not sure if anyone else has reported this yet. It
> was discussed in magnet#toolchain earlier today and brought forth by mst on
> who to contact about it.
Not found by me but I'm not sure if anyone else has reported this yet. It
was discussed in magnet#toolchain earlier today and brought forth by mst on
who to contact about it.
It looks like Module::AutoLoad is running malicious code fetched from
http://r.cx/, it might have originally been non-mali