I agree with Kurt Starsinic. Pause IDs are for individuals and
should stay that way. For these companies on the queue they should
elect a team member to be their proxy and that individual can sign up
for an ID that group projects are submitted under. // Darren Duncan
On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 10:59:44AM +0200, Johan Vromans wrote:
Content-Description: message body text
> To many of these requests are currently in the queue.
> Do we provide CPAN id's for companies/groups/etc?
For their mailing lists, but not for upload ID's. I recommend that we
keep it that
To many of these requests are currently in the queue.
Do we provide CPAN id's for companies/groups/etc?
-- Johan
Hi. I'd like to request the CPAN ID REEFKNOT. I'm a team
representative for the Reefknot project, which is planning enough
releases that we'd like an ID for the project. I submitte