Great !
Thank you a lot ! :)
Le ven. 3 juil. 2020 à 15:01, Neil Bowers a
écrit :
> Hi Thibault,
> I wanted to push some technical fixes to these modules but they are not
> maintained anymore. The owner answered by email directly that he is OK for
> giving ownership to somebody else (and he po
Hi Thibault,
> I wanted to push some technical fixes to these modules but they are not
> maintained anymore. The owner answered by email directly that he is OK for
> giving ownership to somebody else (and he posted a message in that direction
> on one of distribution issue tracker :
> https://r
Hello CPAN admins :)
I wanted to push some technical fixes to these modules but they are not
maintained anymore. The owner answered by email directly that he is OK for
giving ownership to somebody else (and he posted a message in that
direction on one of distribution issue tracker :