Thanks. It doesn't seem like I had the ability to do that.
On Wed, 18 May 2016, Ron Savage wrote:
> Hi Alex, Brad, Alan
> Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::Server::Listener.
> Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::Server.
> Added PALIK to co-maintainers of Gearman::Server::
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 08:33:58PM -0700, dormando wrote:
> > Yeah. Between memcached itself, MogileFS, and work I have a hard time
> > keeping up with C::M. It's been a lot of hard work keeping those other
> > queues down, and we've been just recently catching u
we'll have some time next week to sit down and kick the bug queue.
Further interested co-maints may be nice, if you know of any who aren't
On Fri, 11 May 2012, Matt S Trout wrote:
> http://domm.plix.at/perl/2012_05_10_dont_use_cache_memcached_for_u