> [Quoting Sergey Gribov, on March 19 2001, 14:59, in "CPAN id request"]
> > Module Mixer.pm can be used for the sound mixer control. It allows
> > to query / set various sound mixer parameters, the most usefull
> > probably volume. It also includes as an exam
> [Quoting Sergey Gribov, on March 19 2001, 14:59, in "CPAN id request"]
> > Module Mixer.pm can be used for the sound mixer control. It allows
> > to query / set various sound mixer parameters, the most usefull
> > probably volume. It also includes as an exam
I've developed a sound mixer module Mixer.pm can be used for the sound mixer control.
Usefull to control the sound volume for example.
Name: Sergey Gribov
WWW: http://www.sergey.com
Preferred user-id: sergey
DSLI: bdcf
Module Mixer.pm can be