Ownership of XML::Dumper

2002-12-07 Thread Mike Wong
Hello! I received ownership of XML::Dumper from Jon Eizenzopf a few months ago, however that module has not been registered in my name. I'd like to modify the meta data for that module, but received the following error: Sorry, there are no modules registered belonging to MIKEWONG. Please no

Registering at PAUSE

2002-02-05 Thread Mike Wong
Hi, Here's my information as requested on the PAUSE registering page: Mike Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] userid: "mikewong" would be great! I've written an XS module that wraps John Seagull's Intel Pocket Concert C API (with his express permission and cooperation). I&

Perl Module idea submission - Request PAUSE account

2001-12-15 Thread Mike Wong
Hi, I'm developing a Perl module based on John Seagull's libipc (http://www.sourceforge/projects/libipc). After securing his permission, I'm ready for code submission for MP3::Player::PktConcert. The purpose of this module is to communicate with the Intel Pocket Concert (tm) portable MP3 player.