RFC: Unix::ShadowPasswords

2002-05-10 Thread Lupe Christoph
::ShadowPasswords Description Unix::ShadowPasswords Perl interface to the Unix shadow password API Copying Copyright (c) 2002 Lupe Christoph. All rights reserved. License This software is covered by Perl's Artistic license, see the file Artistic included i

New module Filesys::SamFS

2000-02-23 Thread Lupe Christoph
Hi! Please add Filesys::SamFS to the module list. I have just uploaded the first public release to PAUSE (L/LU/LUPE/Filesys-SamFS-0.021.tar.gz). I trust the namespace is OK. :-) The entry for the module list still stands as in my request for registration: Filesys::SamFS adcfInterfac

Please register me as an author

2000-02-09 Thread Lupe Christoph
Hi, maintainers! I've finally committed myself to *completing* a module (there are quite a few in limbo ...) and put it on CPAN. (I need this for a project, and decided to make it available for free rather than charge my customer.) Here's the info for PAUSE: your name Lupe