Unix::ShadowPasswords Perl interface to the Unix shadow password API
Copyright (c) 2002 Lupe Christoph. All rights reserved.
This software is covered by Perl's Artistic license, see the file
Artistic included i
Please add Filesys::SamFS to the module list. I have just uploaded
the first public release to PAUSE (L/LU/LUPE/Filesys-SamFS-0.021.tar.gz).
I trust the namespace is OK. :-) The entry for the module list still
stands as in my request for registration:
Filesys::SamFS adcfInterfac
Hi, maintainers!
I've finally committed myself to *completing* a module (there are
quite a few in limbo ...) and put it on CPAN. (I need this for
a project, and decided to make it available for free rather
than charge my customer.)
Here's the info for PAUSE:
your name