Adopt Devel::NYTProf?

2021-04-03 Thread James E Keenan
Hello, I'm interested in adopting the Devel-NYTProf distribution. If you can grant me the privilege I will release the next version. Devel::NYTProf is currently classified as ADOPTME in the PAUSE permissions file 06perms.txt.gz. Devel::NYTProf,ADOPTME,f Hence it is available for adoption.

Re: Open source archives hosting malicious software packages

2017-09-20 Thread James E Keenan
On 09/20/2017 06:01 PM, Neil Bowers wrote: CPAN be subject to the same problem as described in the article above? Yes. DBI::Class, for example, could be a typo for DBIx::Class or a misremembered Class::D

Fwd: Add users to BIOPERLML mailing list?

2016-05-28 Thread James E Keenan
Forwarded Message Subject: Add users to BIOPERLML mailing list? Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 21:43:03 + From: Fields, Christopher J To: Newsgroups: perl.module-authors The Bioperl devs have been using BIOPERLML as an ‘umbrella’ group ID for making rel

Re: Curating old dists on CPAN

2015-04-30 Thread James E Keenan
On 04/30/2015 06:10 PM, Neil Bowers wrote: I think we should either remove very old dists from CPAN, or update them to follow modern conventions (so they have a META.yml or META.json, for example). I had email with the author of CGI::Response (last released in 1995) for example, and he agreed

Re: Please help me name my text template module... or else!

2012-10-16 Thread James E Keenan
On 10/8/12 5:03 PM, Brian Katzung wrote: ... or else we'll all have to live with my name for it. :-) I tried posting on comp.lang.perl.modules (I forgot which how-to doc suggested it) when naming Data::XHash and got zero feedback. Since the Pause naming article suggests and mod

Re: Hello PAUSE

2012-01-11 Thread James E Keenan
On 1/10/12 7:05 PM, Jed Lund wrote: Hello all (again), I think I may have made my first mistake by not suggesting a possible set of names that I am considering in order to provide a place to start for feedback from this distribution. [snip] For the DateTime::Format mashup I am considering. D


2002-12-09 Thread James E Keenan
List::Compare RdpO Compare elements of two or more lists JKEENAN List::Compare is a simple object-oriented implementation of standard Perl code for comparison of the elements of two or more lists. This module is already available on CPAN (

Re: Module submission Data::Presenter

2002-11-30 Thread James E Keenan
- Original Message - From: "_brian_d_foy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 11:23 AM Subject: Re: Module submission Data::Presenter > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors > Upload Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

PAUSE Registration

2002-05-19 Thread James E Keenan
I'd like to register as a CPAN developer. Name: James E Keenan e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home Page: Preferred ID: JKEENAN Planned contributions: Modules useful for reformatting data extracted from database reports. Thank you very much.