Hi Nigel,
To save us all some time, I’ve transferred all ADOPTME distributions to you.
Thank you for helping with CPAN!
> Since HTML::SimpleLinkExtor uses Test::HTTPStatus which is also up for
> adoption, it would make sense for me to take this over as well, please.
Seriously though, I just tra
Since HTML::SimpleLinkExtor uses Test::HTTPStatus which is also up for
adoption, it would make sense for me to take this over as well, please.
Excellent - thanks so much.
On 12/11/20, 09:57, "brian d foy" wrote:
Party on Nigel! Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
I should have added that I use the code in my genealogy software, which is why
I offered to take it over.
From: Nigel Horne
Date: Friday, 13November, 2020 at 12:38
To: Neil Bowers , Barbie
Cc: "modules-perl.org"
Subject: Re: Adopt Lingua::EN::NameCase?
Thank you both.
From: N
Thank you both.
From: Neil Bowers
Date: Friday, 13November, 2020 at 04:34
To: Barbie
Cc: Nigel Horne , "modules-perl.org"
Subject: Re: Adopt Lingua::EN::NameCase?
Hi Barbie!
No, happy for Nigel to take full ownership :)
Ok — I’ve dropped your co-maint for you.
> Yes, I assigned primary maintainership of XMLTV to TOBYINK this morning.
> I forgot that Uninstall was part of the XMLTV distribution.
> Let me assign that too.
Thanks Ed — my script isn’t reporting XMLTV any more.
Hi Toby,
You haven’t by any chance just been given first-come on xmltv by EDAVIS have
All of the XMLTV::* modules have TOBYINK as first-come and EDAVIS as co-maint,
but the Uninstall module just has EDAVIS with first-come.
This was reported by by script that looks for split ownership, but
Hi Barbie!
> No, happy for Nigel to take full ownership :)
Ok — I’ve dropped your co-maint for you.
Hi Neil,
No, happy for Nigel to take full ownership :)
Thanks Nigel ;)
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On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 1:31 PM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> I'm interested in adopti