Aha. I should have looked at your Makefile.PL — you have no_index on most of
the IV_* packages in your dist, but the list doesn’t include IV_BOOL. I’m
guessing that’s because you added IV_BOOL in the 0.09 release. Do you want to
add IV_BOOL to the no_index list?
Those other packages are still a
Hi Tiago,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through distributions that have
missing or split permissions.
Your Net-Nessus is one of these. You did a release in 2004, presumably after
user JWIED gave you permission. It looks like he missed one module.
To resolve this, I’m about to force
Hi Tobias,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through distributions that have
missing or split permissions.
Your Mojolicious-Plugin-InputValidation is one of these. You’ve done all
releases, but you don’t have indexing permissions on some of the packages. I
suspect this is related to a c
Hi Chris,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where there is
split ownership of a distribution, and along the way also tidying up situations
where old releases of distributions are appearing in the CPAN Index.
The MP3-Info distribution is one of these. It used to co