Hi Erwan,
> I want to become a maintainer or a co-maintainer for Digest-Skein .
> Since my last mail , facts did not change , maintener is unresponsive .
I’ve also not managed to get in touch with the author of Digest::Skein
(Radosław Zieliński), so I’ve just given you co-maint on it.
Status: Database error
module : next::XS
version: undef
in file: next-XS-1.0.1/lib/next/XS.pm
status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in
the DB due the following error: C< Lock wait timeout
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [PTC]
fullname: [Paul Cochrane]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: [https://ptc-it.de]
cpan_mail_alias: [secr]
Data were entered by PTC (Paul Cochrane).
Please check if they are correct.
The Pause
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [PTC]
fullname: [Paul Cochrane]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: [https://ptc-it.de]
cpan_mail_alias: [secr] was [publ]
Data were entered by PTC (Paul Cochrane).
Please check if they are correct.
The Pau