Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [SKX]
fullname: [Steve Kemp]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: [] was []
cpan_mail_alias: [secr]
Data were entered by SKX (Steve Kemp).
Please check if they are correct.
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [GUISEA]
fullname: [Aaron Guise]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: []
cpan_mail_alias: [none] was [secr]
Data were entered by GUISEA (Aaron Guise).
Please check if they are correct.
The Pause
Hi Ashley,
> You have ownership of Qt::Base, which is on CPAN in PerlQt-1.04.tar.gz
> (released in 1997), and Germain (GGARAND) has ownership of Qt::base, which is
> on CPAN in PerlQt-3.008.tar.gz. To resolve this conflict, I would like to
> drop your ownership of the older Qt::Base, and delete