Request to register new user
fullname: Matt Gumbley
userid: DEVZENDO
I've been programming in Perl since the mid '90s, but have only
recently started upgrading my knowledge to 'modern perl', and have
written a
Hi again Kenneth,
> No worries, tidying is a good thing.
> Yes, go ahead and schedule the deletion, there's no good reason to have dead
> packages in the active repository. At this time (aka, after this much time
> has passed) I don't seem to have a PAUSE password or account handy.
I have sc
Welcome Tad DeVries,
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Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
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Request to register new user
fullname: Tad DeVries
userid: TADDEV
Build usable Perl modules
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Hi Yura,
> Renaming “timer” to “Tamino::Tran::Timer” sounds quite reasonable, i'm
> blessing you to do that on my behalf. :)
Ok, I’ll give myself co-maint on all the modules this evening, and at some
point in the next few days I’ll do a release. Once that’s done I’ll drop the
Welcome Erik Huelsmann,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your c
Hi Kenneth,
> Howdy; it's been a while.
> Yes, please go ahead with your proposal.
It has been a while! And thanks — I’ve dropped your permissions on the HTML
Hi Phil,
> On second thought, this package is old. I haven't worked on it for the past
> two computers. I no longer have any code that can compile. (It predates not
> just github, but git.)
> It was mostly a demo of autoload in any case. I am planning to delete it from
> CPAN. No one seems t