PAUSE ID request (KENNETH; kenneth lin)

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: kenneth lin userid: KENNETH mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I'm learning perl by a book named "Intermediate Perl", it told me to do so. The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities

Uri update for W/WJ/WJX/Mojolicious-Plugin-CustomLog-0.01.tar.gz

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE uploads database: uriid: [W/WJ/WJX/Mojolicious-Plugin-CustomLog-0.01.tar.gz] uri: [Mojolicious-Plugin-CustomLog-0.01.tar.gz.deprecated] was [Mojolicious-Plugin-CustomLog-0.01.tar.gz] Data entered by Jingxuan Wang (WJX). Please check if they are correct.

User update for ZENBAE

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [ZENBAE] fullname: [Jason McVeigh] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [publ] was [none] Data were entered by ZENBAE (Jason McVeigh). Please check if they are correct. Thanks, T

User update for MKIWALA

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [MKIWALA] fullname: [Michael J. Kiwala] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] was [none] ustatus: [unused] Data were entered by MKIWALA (Michael J. Kiwala). Please check if they are correct.

Welcome new user MKIWALA

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Michael J. Kiwala, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: MKIWALA Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit yo

PAUSE ID request (MKIWALA; Michael J. Kiwala)

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Michael J. Kiwala userid: MKIWALA mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I would like to make the PTero Perl SDK available through cpan. The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: Registr

Welcome new user LUN

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Lun Li, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: LUN Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your credentials

PAUSE ID request (LUN; Lun Li)

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Lun Li userid: LUN mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I write a module to merge network segments. I want to contribute it. The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: https://pau

Welcome new user STIRON

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Tamas Molnar, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: STIRON Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cre

PAUSE ID request (STIRON; Tamas Molnar)

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Tamas Molnar userid: STIRON mail: CENSORED homepage: why: As being an active developer in perl, and being a fan of the language pretty much, I have some modules to share with the community. The following links are only valid for PAU

User update for SIMBABQUE

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [SIMBABQUE] fullname: [Julien Fiegehenn] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] was [none] ustatus: [unused] Data were entered by SIMBABQUE (Julien Fiegehenn). Please check if they are correct

Welcome new user WJX

2016-03-15 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Jingxuan Wang, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: WJX Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your crede