Module submission Data::Validate::Perl

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Data::Validate::Perl DSLIP: bdpf2 description: validate in-memory perl data using spec file userid: DONGXU (Dongxu Ma) chapterid: 6 (Data_Type_Utilities) communities: prePAN similar:

User update for MCMILLHJ

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [MCMILLHJ] fullname: [Hunter McMillen] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] was [] cpan_mail_alias: [publ] was [none] Data were entered by MCMILLHJ (Hunter McMillen). Please check if they a

User update for BRIANSKI

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [BRIANSKI] fullname: [Brian Szymanski] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [publ] Data were entered by BRIANSKI (Brian Szymanski). Please check if they are correct. Thanks, The Pause

Welcome new user GAULER

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Mayur Maheshwari, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: GAULER Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your

PAUSE ID request (GAULER; Mayur Maheshwari)

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Mayur Maheshwari userid: GAULER mail: CENSORED homepage: why: Intermediate Perl told me to. The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities:

Welcome new user TANAKA

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Tanaka Tatsuya, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: TANAKA Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your c

PAUSE ID request (TANAKA; Tanaka Tatsuya)

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Tanaka Tatsuya userid: TANAKA mail: CENSORED homepage: why: web, schema, test, framework The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: https://pau

Welcome new user RTVALIS

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Roberto Tognelli, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: RTVALIS Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit you

Welcome new user CHANDWER

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Chris Handwerker, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: CHANDWER Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit yo

PAUSE ID request (RTVALIS; Roberto Tognelli)

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Roberto Tognelli userid: RTVALIS mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I am a Perl programmer from 1998, both working around computergraphics and to enjoy myself. I have now some interesting script I would like to publish. T

PAUSE ID request (CHANDWER; Chris Handwerker)

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Chris Handwerker userid: CHANDWER mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I plan to contribute a module for interfacing with the NetSight API which is network management software by Extreme Networks. The following links

User update for SKUNIX

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [SKUNIX] fullname: [Chris H] was [Chris Handwerker] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] Data were entered by SKUNIX (Chris Handwerker). Please check if they are correct. Thanks, The Pause

User update for SKUNIX

2014-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [SKUNIX] fullname: [Chris Handwerker] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] was [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] Data were entered by SKUNIX (Chris Handwerker). Please check if they are correct.