Module submission MultiSkan

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: MultiSkan DSLIP: adpOp description: Processing MultiSkan Microplate reader data userid: LOGUST (Jing Yu) chapterid: 6 (Data_Type_Utilities) communities: similar: rationale: Used Mu

User update for RTKH

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [RTKH] fullname: [Artur Kh] was [Artie Kh] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] Data were entered by RTKH (Artie Kh). Please check if they are correct. Thanks, The Pause

Module update for AtExit

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [AtExit] statd: [R] stats: [d] statl: [p] stati: [r] statp: [?] description: [atexit() function to register exit-callbacks] userid: [NEILB] was [BRADAPP] chapterid: [20] mlstatus: [list] Da

Welcome new user NFOOS

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Nicholas Foos, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: NFOOS Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cre

PAUSE ID request (NFOOS; Nicholas Foos)

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Nicholas Foos userid: NFOOS mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I am a perl developer. I don't really have anything to contribute at this time, but I won't ever contribute something if I don't have a PAUSE account. The following links are

Module submission Akamai::Edgegrid

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Akamai::Edgegrid DSLIP: RdpOo description: Akamai {OPEN} Edgegrid for LWP userid: JONLANDIS (Jonathan Landis) chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI) communities:

User update for ABEVERLEY

2014-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [ABEVERLEY] fullname: [Andrew Beverley] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [secr] was [none] ustatus: [unused] Data were entered by ABEVERLEY (Andrew Beverley). Please check