PAUSE problem: Backpan not archiving newer modules

2003-09-27 Thread Darren Duncan
Now, if [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't the correct place to write about this issue (as it is in the 'reply-to' header of PAUSE's delete confirmation email), then please suggest who I should write directly. I just discovered that something seems to be wrong with Backpan. While it had been faithfully a

User update for EWILHELM

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [EWILHELM] fullname: [Eric Wilhelm] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] was [] cpan_mail_alias: [publ] was [none] ustatus: [unused] Data were entered by EWILHELM (Eric Wilhelm). P

Module submission IO::Transceiver

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: IO::Transceiver DSLIP: adpOa description: Object interface to client/server socket IO userid: WILSOND (Dusty Wilson) chapterid: 21 (File_Handle_Input_Output) communities: Has been discuss

User update for JGOFF

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [JGOFF] fullname: [Jeff Goff] asciiname: [] email: [CENSORED] homepage: [] cpan_mail_alias: [publ] Data were entered by JGOFF (Jeff Goff). Please check if they are correct. Thanks, The Pause

Welcome new user JASONM

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Jason Michelizzi, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: JASONM Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your

Welcome new user PENK

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome 陳品勳, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: PENK Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your credentials in

Welcome new user OXE

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Oliver Ebenhöh, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: OXE Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cred

Welcome new user WILSOND

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Dusty Wilson, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: WILSOND Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cr

Welcome new user RELAIS

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Sören Laird Sörries, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: RELAIS Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit y

Re: PAUSE ID request (TPEDERSEN; Ted Pedersen)

2003-09-27 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Ted Pedersen > userid: TPEDERSEN > mail: CENSORED > homepage: According to our files this has been your CPAN id since June 2000. -- Johan

Welcome new user OPI

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Torsten Förtsch, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: OPI Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cre

PAUSE ID request (JASONM; Jason Michelizzi)

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Jason Michelizzi userid: JASONM mail: CENSORED homepage: why: I will be a contributer to the WordNet::Similarity package, and I will develop other packages relating to semantic similarity. The following li

Naming advice for an lchown() module

2003-09-27 Thread Nick Cleaton
I've written an XSUB wrapper for the lchown(2) UNIX system call. I'm thinking of up uploading it as Lchown, to be consistent with the naming of the existing Mknod module. Would File::Lchown or Unix::Lchown be better ? -- Nick Cleaton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PAUSE ID request (PENK; 陳品勳)

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: 陳品勳 userid: PENK mail: CENSORED homepage: why: -BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK- Version: 3.12 GL d-(+) s-:- a--- C P+>++ L++>+++ E- W+++ N o? K? w-- O-- !M V- PS+++ !PE Y? PGP+ t 5? X+ R+ tv- b+++ D? DI+ G !e h! r --END GEEK CO

PAUSE ID request (PENK; 陳品勳)

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: 陳品勳 userid: PENK mail: CENSORED homepage: why: -BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK- Version: 3.12 GL d-(+) s-:- a--- C P+>++ L++>+++ E- W+++ N o? K? w-- O-- !M V- PS+++ !PE Y? PGP+ t 5? X+ R+ tv- b+++ D? DI+ G !e h

Get Plump Sexy L|ps

2003-09-27 Thread Females Health Newsletter
Title: FINALLY A LIP PLUMPER THAT ACTUALLY WORKS !!! Get Plump, Sexy Lip'sIn Under 30 Days! visit website CITY LIP'S exclusive lip treatment... > Stimulates collagen & hyaluronic moisture in your lip's resulting in BIGGER, LUSCIOUS, more SENSUOUS Lip's > CITY LIP'S is used by men & women

Качество и индивидуальный подход!

2003-09-27 Thread gt5754b
RimBBAohaQ 6325956564 C71Qrvnm5t Lh0dBRgmATkAETEeVx8GJA== 0 9 5 1 0 7 - 2 7 - 5 6 L1 a3 A5 o1 u1 l0 q7 z5 B4 W7 D0 e3 B1 Предлагаем самый рентабельный способ рекламы: Доставим информацию о Вашей фирмепо электронной почте В наличии самая разнообразная подборка баз дан

2003-09-27 Thread direct
D7I4R9E0C6T905E - M0A3I9L Э л е к8т р2о1н н а я2   р а1с с ы2л9к а   9в а1ш е7й5 р5е к0л а8м ы5   по7   e - m a0i l С8а м0ы7й   5б5ы с т6р ы й6   п у1т ь6  р е6к л6а6м0ы   6к   5к2л и8е н7т4у0

Modules 1ive a Better 1ife 0011915

2003-09-27 Thread Wevoyoy
Impr0ve your 1ife, with increasing y0ur earning p0wer fr0m a dip1oma 243627554731045803008922241832856128974358562053363166491674850562450996753058494800459616002169405505280585434815960922623 within days from a n0n-accredited university based on 1ife experience. Ca11 anytime inc1uding ho1idays a

PAUSE ID request (OXE; Oliver Ebenhöh)

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Oliver Ebenhöh userid: OXE mail: CENSORED homepage: why: The first module I will contribute is a Perl extension for the representation and simulation of biochemical reaction networks. There are submodules for Substrates, Reactions and

Module submission Tk::Timer

2003-09-27 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Tk::Timer DSLIP: idpOp description: Tk composite widget for timer display userid: IVORW (Ivor Williams) chapterid:8 (User_Interfaces) communities: perlmonks, mailing list, #lo