$B!Z=EMW![%&%#%k%9%A%'%C%/$N7k2L(B (RAV AntiVirus scan results)

2003-09-23 Thread RAV AntiVirus
(B (B-- $B!Z=EMW![%&%#%k%9%A%'%C%/$N7k2L(B (RAV Antivirus results) (B-- (B $B$3$N%U%!%$%k$rA0$G3VN%>l=j$KJ]B8$7$^$7$?!#(B (B (B $BJ]B8$7$?%U%!%$%kL>(B (Quarantined filename) 106437

One zero five five one eight six Call US Moscow "Gnc" "Modules"

2003-09-23 Thread Ëó÷øèå â Ìîñêâå
Hi Modules! Как дела? Ц е н тр А м е р и к а н с к о г о А н г л и й с к о г о. Приглашаем к себе. Москва Россия Предлагаем быстро выучить Р а з г о во р н ы й а н г ли й с к и й я з ы к У н и к а л ь н а я м е т о д и к а о б у че н и я М Ы Ш Л Е Н И Е, п р о и з н о ш е н и е, с т и


2003-09-23 Thread Hattie Bragg
Title: Gold Rate Profit ! Hi , do you have a business now? If so, you'll learn to rocket your income into the stratosphere! For example, Cameron Dunlap of Palm City, Florida, sent out two little e-mails to 1,800 people


2003-09-23 Thread Abby Valdez
Title: Gold Rate Profit ! Hi , do you have a business now? If so, you'll learn to rocket your income into the stratosphere! For example, Cameron Dunlap of Palm City, Florida, sent out two little e-mails to 1,800 people


2003-09-23 Thread FOREX
От этого предложения6также сложно отказаться как от чего-то, что Вы желаете больше всего7на свете!!! Это инвестиционное предложение по размещению Ваших денежных4средств на9международной валютной6бирже FOREX под управлением од

PAUSE ID request (JCCLEAVER; Japheth Cleaver)

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Japheth Cleaver userid: JCCLEAVER mail: CENSORED homepage: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~cleaver/software/ why: Packages related to a portal/framework I'm working on. Potentially a new PayPal or Amazon services module. Possibly some calendars

New module Net::Milter

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Net::Milter DSLIP: adpOp description: Pure Perl version of MTA end of milter API userid: MGLEE (Martin Lee) chapterid: 19 (Mail_and_Usenet_News) enteredby: AUTRIJUS (☺唐宗漢☻) enteredon: T

New module Term::Activity

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Term::Activity DSLIP: RdpOb description: Term display of processing activity userid: BENNIE (Phillip Pollard) chapterid:8 (User_Interfaces) enteredby: AUTRIJUS (☺唐宗漢☻) enteredon: Tue

Welcome new user FELICITY

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Theo Van Dinter, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: FELICITY Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit you

Welcome new user COUNTZERO

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Karl Moens, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: COUNTZERO Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cr

Your site

2003-09-23 Thread seo
"Get Top Positions on the all Best Search Engines and Directories!" --- Yahoo - MSN - Altavista - aol.com - google - lycos - netscape search - HotBot - Inktomi - Direct Hit - Ask Jeeves - more! --

PAUSE ID request (FELICITY; Theo Van Dinter)

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Request to register new user fullname: Theo Van Dinter userid: FELICITY mail: CENSORED homepage: http://www.kluge.net/~felicity/ why: Right now I'm a main developer for the Mail::SpamAssassin module set, but who knows what'll be down the road. ;) The following links are only

RE: version of perl

2003-09-23 Thread Varsani, Rama
Title: RE: version of perl found the answer ! perl -v thanks  -Original Message- From:   Varsani, Rama  Sent:   23 September 2003 14:45 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject:    version of perl I Have 3 different versions of perl. is there a command like version to find o

version of perl

2003-09-23 Thread Varsani, Rama
Title: version of perl I Have 3 different versions of perl. is there a command like version to find out which version it picks up. thanks

Welcome new user ANDREWN

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Andrew Alexandre Novikov, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: ANDREWN Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or

Welcome new user CTLARSEN

2003-09-23 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Case Larsen, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: CTLARSEN Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cr