PAUSE ID Request

2002-06-30 Thread Ryan Erwin
Name: Ryan Erwin Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: none User-ID: ERWIN (this ID is still available) Contribution: XML::EasySlice - Fast, Easy, Different Access to XML XML::EasySlice is similar to XML::EasyOBJ, XML::XPath, XML::Generator and XML::Simple. EasySlice is built on top of XML::LibXML.

User update for TCAINE

2002-06-30 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
(This Mail was generated by the server

Module submission RPM::Update

2002-06-30 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: RPM::Update DSLIP: Rdpfg description: Compare installed RPMs with up-to-date RPMs userid: SHARRISON (Scott Harrison) chapterid: 17 (Archiving_and_Compression) communities: similar: rat

Module submission RPM::Make

2002-06-30 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: RPM::Make DSLIP: Rdpfg description: Cleanly generate an RPM userid: SHARRISON (Scott Harrison) chapterid: 17 (Archiving_and_Compression) communities: similar: rationale: Building

I'm alone, darling...

2002-06-30 Thread Ana
This mail is NEVER SENT UNSOLICITED, if you recive it, you are subscribed to our mail list. SEE BOTTOM OF MESSAGE TO UNSUBSCRIBE. Este mail NUNCA SE ENVIA SIN SOLICITAR, si lo recibe, es porque esta subscrito a nuestra mail list, VEA EL FIN DEL MENSAJE PARA DARSE DE BAJA. If you wanna see the

PAUSE Account

2002-06-30 Thread P Prince
I would like a PAUSE account. My name is Paul Prince. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] . I have no up-to-date homepage, but you can list the (empty) site if you feel it's appropriate. My preferred CPAN ID is TECH. TEATIME may also be used, if TECH is not available. Please

pause id

2002-06-30 Thread Steve McNabb
Hi there: i'd like to register for a PAUSE id please. name: steve mcnabb email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred user-id: JUSTSOMEGUY or SMCNABB i'm working on a framework to enable MIDI generation, manipulation and algorithmic composition using Sean Burke's MIDI::*

Re: Module submission Devel::Debug

2002-06-30 Thread Tim Bunce
To be honest I'm struggling a bit with this one. CC'd to modules. If it wasn't for the fact that the 'use' line has to be commented and uncommented I'd say Devel::Debug was probably okay. So how about this for a feature-enhancement... use Devel::Debug enable => '/path/to/file'; If the

Development Countries, News in brief

2002-06-30 Thread The Financial News
The Financial News, July 2002 Production Mini-plants in mobile containers. Co-investment Program "...Science Network will supply to countries and developing regions the technology and the necessary support for the production in series of Mini-plants in mobile containers (40-foot). The Mini-pl

User update for OLIBOU

2002-06-30 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
(This Mail was generated by the server

Register CPAN User

2002-06-30 Thread hoowa
Maintainers: I Regist CPAN User: NAMEhoowa.sun Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage(Chinese) user-ID HOOWA contribute Same my Modules,my Perl/Tk GUI Applications.and more...

Re: WWW::Chat and webchat

2002-06-30 Thread Simon Wistow
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:28:06PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig said: > If it is OK, Simon can force re-indexing on PAUSE and the problem is > solved. If there are any open questions, please let us know. Cool. I've got a new version festering on my HD with BooK's patches in it which I really need to


2002-06-30 Thread dougt
** Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT ** ** WARNING! Attached file False.scr contains: WORM_KLEZ.H virus It has been deleted. ** WARNING! Attached file send.html contains: VBS_HAPTIME.B-2 virus It has been deleted. $B&A!]#M#A#I#L%&%$%k%9%A%'%C%/$K$h$j$3$N