Here's my application as a CPAN developer.
Name: Stefan Merten
Homepage: http://www.merten-home.de/
Preferred ID: SMERTEN
I wrote a nice application concerned with e-mail processing
From: Micheal Sankoh
Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire
Dear sir,
I am well confident of your capability to assist me in
a transaction for mutual benefit of both parties, ie
(me and you) I am also believing that you will not
expose or betray the trust and confidence I am about
to establish with you. I hav
From: Micheal Sankoh
Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire
Dear sir,
I am well confident of your capability to assist me in
a transaction for mutual benefit of both parties, ie
(me and you) I am also believing that you will not
expose or betray the trust and confidence I am about
to establish with you. I hav