True Unlimited Internet Access, $99/yr!

2001-09-29 Thread ZCloud Internet Services
Title: Affordable Nationwide Internet Access for the Experienced User for only AFFORDABLE INTERNET ACCESS Affordable Nationwide Internet Access for the Exper

PAUSE Registration.

2001-09-29 Thread Bernard Davison
Hi I'd like to register with PAUSE. here are my details as described on the CPAN web site. Name: R Bernard Davison E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home Page: Preferred User-ID: RBDAVISON Contribution: Software::Packager. This is a wrapper around many OS native software pa

Module update for FAQ::OMatic

2001-09-29 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [FAQ::OMatic] statd: [R] stats: [d] statl: [p] stati: [O] statp: [?] description: [A CGI-based FAQ/help database maintainer] userid: [ABH] was [JHOWELL] chapterid: [23] mlstatus: [list] Da

PAUSE: "register youself"

2001-09-29 Thread ezra, josef
* your name Josef Ezra * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one none * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed. jezra * a short description of what you're plannin


2001-09-29 Thread Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski
hi! I'd like to register myself as developer and get PAUSE/CPAN ID, name: Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] www: userid: cade I'd like to publish various scripts and/or modules that I wrote, I'm not sure which one will be first, anyw

I would like to contribute a module.

2001-09-29 Thread Daniel Podolsky
Hi, I would like to contribute a simple module to CPAN My name is Daniel Podolsky My address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not have a home page The preferred User ID could be "TPABA". The module named "UniLog" and provides a unified way to call logging functions on WinNT and Unix platforms. Ac

Module submission Apache::Session::CacheAny

2001-09-29 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Apache::Session::CacheAny DSLIP: bmpOp description: use Cache::* for Apache::Session storage userid: MIYAGAWA (MIYAGAWA Tatsuhiko) chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI) communities:

Re: Module submission OurNet::BBSApp::Sync

2001-09-29 Thread Chia-liang Kao
Hi, The namespace was originally owned by another author of this module, Autrijus Tang, back while I haven't got my cpan id. Autrijus would like to transfer it to me so I could upload after rolling releases as release manger. He removed the file (ebx) in his directory, and I could see