Module update for FameHLI

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [FameHLI] statd: [a] stats: [d] statl: [c] stati: [f] description: [Ports Fame's C-API to Perl] was [Ports Fame's C-API to Perl (With no 4GL)] userid: [DAVEO] chapterid: [ 9] mlstatus: [list] Da

Module update for Lingua::EN::AddressParse

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [Lingua::EN::AddressParse] statd: [R] was [b] stats: [d] statl: [p] stati: [O] description: [Manipulate geographical addresses] userid: [KIMRYAN] chapterid: [11] mlstatus: [list] Data entered by

New module FameHLI

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: FameHLI DSLI:adcf description: Ports Fame's C-API to Perl (With no 4GL) userid: DAVEO (David Oberholtzer) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon:

Re: New module CGIi:Test

2001-04-08 Thread Raphael Manfredi
Quoting Perl Authors Upload Server: : : The next version of the Module List will list the following module: : : modid: CGIi:Test There's a typo. It's not CGIi::Test, it's CGI::Test. Raphael

Welcome new user DAVEO

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome David Oberholtzer, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: DAVEO Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit you

POLICY: forwarded message from Matt Sergeant

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
What is our policy? Hi, We at would like to have an "AXKIT" PAUSE ID, if possible. Thanks. -- /||** Founder and CTO ** ** ** //||** Ltd ** ** XML Application Serving ** // ||** ** ** XSLT, XPathScript


2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Armin Obersteiner, on March 28 2001, 18:53, in ""] > hi! > > i have written a module: or > > it reads the TOC from an audio cd, then it reads the CDDB entry > from it can use a dircet socket mode, a http mode > with proxy if needed. >

New module Gemstone

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Gemstone DSLI:RdpO description: Interface to a GemStone object database userid: YOUD (David Youd) chapterid:7 (Database_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Sun Apr

Module update for XML::Excel

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [XML::Excel] statd: [b] was [R] stats: [d] statl: [p] stati: [O] description: [Transform Excel spreadsheet data into XML] userid: [ISTERIN] chapterid: [11] mlstatus: [list] Data entered by Ilya S

New module CGIi:Test

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: CGIi:Test DSLI:idp? description: Off-line CGI regression test framework userid: RAM (Raphael Manfredi) chapterid: 99 (Not_Yet_In_Modulelist) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon:

Re: ExceptionHandling module

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Jim Flanagan, on March 25 2001, 11:07, in "ExceptionHandling mo"] > Hi, > > I am preparing to upload a module called ExceptionHandling which also > creates two other namespaces: Exception and PerlException, in addition to > exporting the names qw(try catch throw finally) into main::. >

New module Cache::Cache

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Cache::Cache DSLI:adpO description: Generic cache interface and implementations userid: DCLINTON (DeWitt Clinton) chapterid: 17 (Archiving_and_Compression) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans)

Re: transferring module ownership

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Abhijit Menon-Sen, on March 24 2001, 22:28, in "transferring module "] > Greetings. How should one go about transferring ownership of a module to > somebody else on the CPAN? Communicate with the other party. Edit the module metadata, and change to CPAN User-ID. -- Johan

New module Blatte::HTML

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::HTML DSLI:bdph description: Intrinsics for writing HTML in Blatte userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: S

New module Blatte::Ws

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::Ws DSLI:bdph description: Internal Blatte whitespace handler userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Sun Ap

New module Blatte::Syntax

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::Syntax DSLI:bdph description: Internal Blatte parse-tree objects userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Su

New module Blatte::Parser

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::Parser DSLI:bdph description: Blatte language parser userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Sun Apr 8 20:

New module Blatte::Compiler

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::Compiler DSLI:bdph description: Convenient interface for compiling Blatte userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) entere

New module Blatte::Builtins

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte::Builtins DSLI:bdph description: Blatte language standard intrinsics userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon:

New module Blatte

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Blatte DSLI:bdph description: Utilities for Blatte language interpreters userid: BOBG (Bob Glickstein) chapterid:9 (Language_Interfaces) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Su

Re: Proposed: Win32::API::OutputdebugString

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Alessandro Forghieri, on March 23 2001, 14:49, in "Proposed: Win32::API"] > > Greetings. > A truly trivial (XS) extension, yet nobody appears to have included > in any Win32 package. > > I will upload it next week, unless somebody objects. > Namespace issues, anybody? Don't think so.

Re: kadm5 Perl module

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andrew J. Korty, on March 22 2001, 09:29, in "kadm5 Perl module"] > Has any work been done on an XS interface to the Kerberos 5 > kadmin interface? I'm willing to implement it, but I'm not sure > where it would fit in the namespace. Should it go under > Authen::Krb5 and be distributed w

Re: Namespace for Splash?

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Ben Laurie, on March 21 2001, 14:56, in "Namespace for Splash"] > I'd like to reserve some namespace for Splash, initially there are two > modules, a distributed database and distributed logging, which I'd like > to call Splash::DB and Splash::Logging. Seems okay. Please apply for regist

Re: Module DBIx::XMLMessage

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andrei Nossov, on March 27 2001, 15:28, in "Module DBIx::XMLMess"] > Hi, > > I am having trouble accessing my module information > through PAUSE "Edit Module Metadata". My user name is > ANDREIN, the module is DBIx::XMLMEssage. Can you help? Please supply the necessary DLSI information,

New module Math::MatrixReal::Ext1

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Math::MatrixReal::Ext1 DSLI:RdpO description: Convenience extensions for Math::MatrixReal userid: MSOUTH (Mike South) chapterid:6 (Data_Type_Utilities) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans)

Welcome new user MSOUTH

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Mike South, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: MSOUTH Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cred

New module XML::Excel

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: XML::Excel DSLI:RdpO description: Transform Excel spreadsheet data into XML userid: ISTERIN (Ilya Sterin) chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon:

New module Benchmark::Timer

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The next version of the Module List will list the following module: modid: Benchmark::Timer DSLI:RdpO description: Perl code benchmarking tool userid: ANDREWHO (Andrew Ho) chapterid:3 (Development_Support) enteredby: JV (Johan Vromans) enteredon: Sun Apr

Welcome new user ANDREWHO

2001-04-08 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Andrew Ho, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: ANDREWHO Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cre

Re: No reply in a month for CGI::Test

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Raphael Manfredi, on March 26 2001, 10:31, in "No reply in a month "] > This is over a month old, and has still not been added to the database. > I'd appreciate a reply if the name space was rejected for some reason. > > Otherwise, I expect a first CPAN upload of CGI::Test in 2 weeks. T


2001-04-08 Thread Erik Wasser
Hi [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm very new in this kind of stuff (distributing modules) but I hope I have done everything right. In case of questions mail me. > your name Erik Wasser > your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] > your homepage if you have one N/A > your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It