I wanna be an author, I have a package ....

2001-04-05 Thread DH
I have a package called Morse It consists of 3(so far) modules. Only Morse::Code is currently finished. Morse::Code - translates to/from morse - has option to define custom morse character set - has function morsify, which decides whether you passed it text or morse - the default built i

Request for PAUSE id

2001-04-05 Thread Cory Johns
My name is Cory Johns, and I would like to request an ID to upload a module I have written to CPAN. My preferred ID is JOHNSCA but I will accept anything. =) The module I have written is called Syntax::Highlight::Perl. It takes Perl source code as input, inserting user-defined formatting stri

I wish to register with PAUSE

2001-04-05 Thread Brian Reichert
As per : * your name Brian Reichert * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one none * your preferred user-ID on CPAN REICHERT * a description of what you're planning to contribute I have cobbled t

Simple Unix::Login module

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Wiger
I just wrote a simple Unix::Login module that simulates a Unix login prompt and does password validation/optional shell exec, etc. Synopsis: SYNOPSIS # You can use the object-oriented syntax... use Unix::Login; my $ul = Unix::Login->new(BannerString => "\


2001-04-05 Thread Johan Vromans
I hate to say that being a PAUSE/modules maintainer is becoming a task of more frustration than satisfaction. But that's the way I feel. We all know that the current process of user and module registration is not as perfect as it could be, but for the time being I think it can work very well if w

"YourName.BEST321.com" FREE §K¶O°ì¦W !!!!!

2001-04-05 Thread Water
Dear Webmaster, Does your homepage address look long and difficult to remember like this: http://www.myhomepage.com/entertainment/w/love/index.html? Wouldn't you like it better if it was like http://YOURNAME.best321.com In that case, Cool168 has the solution for you, and the best thing about it

P4::Client on the module list

2001-04-05 Thread Tony Smith
Hi ! Could someone tell me how to go about getting my module P4::Client onto the module list? The PAUSE docs imply it should happen automatically, but maybe I'm misinterpreting them - any pointers gratefully received. TIA, Tony. Tony Smith Perforce Software Europe Tel

What do you think for BO module name ?

2001-04-05 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
Hello, my CPAN userid is KERMAGO. I wrote a Web Service Framework that you can use to create components and combine them to build Web Services. There will be about 10 modules in a first time. I suggest the name 'BO' for the module (BO = BabelObjects, it is the project's name), and I'd like to ca

I request namespaces for File::VirtualPath, Config::HashTree,HTML::Application

2001-04-05 Thread Darren Duncan
I would like to request namespaces for 3 new modules which would be used together as a support system for web applications that are easily portable across servers because common environment-specific details are abstracted away. The abstracted details include: 1. The file system type. 2. Your p

Welcome new user DJHD

2001-04-05 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome David Huggins-Daines, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: DJHD Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit y