I'm cpan user "scotthom". I uploaded a few files, notably RSSLite.pm.
I'm operating under the assumption this should be called
"XML::RSSLite". More info is at http://industrial-linux.org/RSSLite/
Please let me know how to proceed from here...
Dear Maintainer,
I want to register our project on PAUSE. Here is the registration
name: Alexandre Sorokine
email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage: http://www.vtt.co.jp/staff/sorokin/
preferred user-ID on CPAN: SORO
Description in modules list format:
A few days ago I uploaded t Filesys::Ext2-0.05 to PAUSE,
and it showed up on the upload list (and was subsequently posted to
use.perl by Chris). Yet has not appeared in the module directory or
worse still in my own ID directory, despite the previous version having shown
up there.
Just wondering w
After searching CPAN, I haven't found any modules
matching what I'd like to contribute, so I would like
to register as a CPAN developer.
Name: Douglas Sparling
Homepage: http://www.dougsparling.com
Description of What I'd Like t
Please add the following entry:
Name DSLI Description Info
- -
Getargs::Long cdPf Parses long function args f(-arg => value) RAM
to my module list in sectio
I would like to request a new namespace for a suite of modules I am
Name DSLI DescriptionInfo
- --
Db::DFC cdpO OO Interface to Documentum's DFC MSROTH
This set of
>From pause.kbx.de/pause/query?ACTION=mailpw (finally found that page)
I got the following on entering my user id as listed on 'Who is Who'
Not Found
The re
Lee Goddard wrote:
> Um, not being pushy but, um is there anybody there?
> Am I being more stupid than usual?
Oh, sorry. I was being more stupid than usual.
Exam results in an hour, what can I say? Sorry.
Um, not being pushy but, um is there anybody there?
Am I being more stupid than usual?
- lee
Lee Goddard wrote:
> Hi there.
> It's been a while since I asked to submit a module to PAUSE,
> and I never did receive the mail mentioned in
> http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/