registration - Parse::PerlConfig

2000-07-19 Thread Michael Fowler
Greetings, I would like to register for PAUSE access. Requested information follows. name: Michael Fowler email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web page: PAUSE id: MFOWLER module contribution: Parse::PerlConfig Rdpfparse a configuration file written in Perl Pa

registering my name spaces

2000-07-19 Thread Darren Duncan
Hello, I would like to clarify the name spaces that I wish to register, so they appear on the module list. If you have any suggestions for using a different name for the modules, then please say so. All of these would go with the user id DUNCAND. In particular, I have questions about [HashOf

User update for MIKEKING

2000-07-19 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
(This Mail was generated by the server;ACTION=edit_cred automatically) Record update in the PAUSE users database: userid: [MIKEKING] fullname: [Michael King] email: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] was [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] homepage: [