> Then we need to debug why we were not able to get any LOC indication
> with NMEA traces in David's setup.
> David, could you retry to setup the location using the QMI protocol
> (i.e. without your changes) but enabling both "nmea" and "raw"
> locations?
> Also, another test could be to enab
> I would like to ask some advice for Voice calls handling.
> I will at some point get a MMModemVoice to which I'll connect some GSignals
> to keep track of when new call objects are added and removed (e.g.: via
> mmcli).
> My callbacks will be invoked with the MMModemVoice object as argume
> From the log file I uploaded/attached, I found one problem.
> Our modem talks with a specific settings - /dev/ttyUSB1, baudrate:115200,
> parity:none, data:8, stop:1, flow:xon_xoff.
> But ModemManager tried with baudrate 57600 only.
You need to add udev tags to configure the baudrate a
> I retested my linux box with your recommendation and got a log message.
> I attach the log file in this email but I wonder if the attached file can be
> uploaded to the maillist also..
> I used the device path you suggested -
> "/sys/devices/platform/1a0c.usb/usb2/2-1 ".
> And I add
> >
> > > After digging for documentation with no success, I migrate the location
> > > interface to mm-shared-telit and added a qmi interface for the telit
> > > plugin. For the merge request, would it be OK to merge that kind of
> > > changes in 1.12 or it must me on master for the next
Hi Aleksander,
Il giorno dom 3 mag 2020 alle ore 21:35 Aleksander Morgado
ha scritto:
> Hey!
> > After digging for documentation with no success, I migrate the location
> > interface to mm-shared-telit and added a qmi interface for the telit
> > plugin. For the merge request, would it be OK