> both my miroVideo DC30+ and KWorld DVB-S 100 capture card show on every
> frame a strange pattern that I never got before. I say zig-zag but I'm
> not sure is the right expression. The best way to understand what I mean
> is watching it with your very eyes.
> I can provide a very sho
On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 20:57 -0800, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> Yep - that bug's still present. The frequency of huge values
> was reduced but the problem still happens. When it does the picture
> quality goes to almost null and the bitrate plummets - that is
> probably wh
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008, Stan Gammons wrote:
> Will mjpegtools compile Ok if I fetch the CVS, then replace the mpeg2enc
> directory from CVS with the mpeg2enc directory from the old version?
Probably not unless you're willing to do a little work. The logging
API has changed and t
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 16:24 -0800, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> Probably not unless you're willing to do a little work. The logging
> API has changed and there are some 'mjpeg_warn/log/...' style
> statements in mpeg2enc.
That's Ok with me. What do I need to change to make i
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008, Stan Gammons wrote:
> That's Ok with me. What do I need to change to make it work?
It'll be _REALLY_ obvious when you try to compile it ;)
Basically all the old LOG_WARN, LOG_ERROR, LOG_INFO, ... defines
are no longer public. You have two choices wh
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 20:02 -0800, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> Basically all the old LOG_WARN, LOG_ERROR, LOG_INFO, ... defines
> are no longer public. You have two choices when something like
> mjpeg_log(LOG_WARN, ...)
> is encountered. Either change it to