Re: [Mjpeg-users] generating HDTV

2005-01-02 Thread Florin Andrei
On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 14:59 -0800, Steven M. Schultz wrote: > What you're going to run into when trying to work with HD output is > that 'mpeg2enc' is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Main Profile @ Main Level) encoder and > not a HL (High Level) encoder. Maybe silly question: Suppose you capture and dump an

Re: [Mjpeg-users] lavrec+lml33+sblive - ERROR: Unable to get audio (revisited)

2005-01-02 Thread Bernhard Praschinger
Hallo > I think I'm having the same problem with lavrec which is described in > > > > I downloaded the source RPM for mjpegtools-1.6.2 from > and discovered that the offending line

Re: [Mjpeg-users] lavrec+lml33+sblive - ERROR: Unable to get audio (revisited)

2005-01-02 Thread Ronald Bultje
Hi, I already mailed this privately, but here goes again, just so people know: Op za 01-01-2005, om 23:35 schreef Rick Cochran: > I think I'm having the same problem with lavrec which is described in > > I downloaded the s

Re: Re: [Mjpeg-users] libtool

2005-01-02 Thread e.chalaron
Hello thanks for the mail (Steve as well...) > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mjpeg_play]$ make > [...] > > ../../libtool: ../../libtool: No such file or directory > Which version auf autoconf, automake, libtool do you have ? Several of them. Basically ./autogen fails for it can not find SDL because old

Re: Re: [Mjpeg-users] libtool

2005-01-02 Thread e.chalaron
Hello thanks for the mail (Steve as well...) > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mjpeg_play]$ make > [...] > > ../../libtool: ../../libtool: No such file or directory > Which version auf autoconf, automake, libtool do you have ? Several of them. Basically ./autogen fails for it can not find SDL because old

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Example: using y4mdenoise to achieve near-perfection with videotapes (more)

2005-01-02 Thread John Gay
Very nice discussion! This is the type of info I'm here for! I'll have to start keeping copies of these very good technical discussions regarding the various mjpeg-tools and their many settings. Maybe I'll print out your script and print it onto a T-Shirt (-; Keep up these technical treasures!

Re: Re: [Mjpeg-users] libtool

2005-01-02 Thread Steven M. Schultz
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > thanks for the mail (Steve as well...) Welcome. > > Which version auf autoconf, automake, libtool do you have ? > > Several of them. Basically ./autogen fails for it can not find SDL because > old version / wrong path etc even on a fai

[Mjpeg-users] Re: Streaming format?

2005-01-02 Thread ChristianHJW
Derek Fountain schrieb: I'm probably a bit off topic here, but someone might know the answer. What video format can I encode to which is suitable for streaming from a free software platform? I'm really after a solution which allows for a free server and free codec/plugin for streaming over an Int

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Streaming format?

2005-01-02 Thread Bernhard Praschinger
Hallo > What video format can I encode to which is suitable for streaming from a free > software platform? I'm really after a solution which allows for a free server > and free codec/plugin for streaming over an Intranet. Quality and bandwidth > performance are important, but no so much as being f