tusek wrote:
> ...
> I tried to run mplex in gdb mode and do backtrace, but this was my first
> time using 'gdb' - Is this enough?
> gdb --args mplex -f 8 -S 0 -M -o test.mpeg2 test.m2v test_EN.m2a
> GNU gdb 6.8-debian
> Copyright (C) 2008 Free Softwar
Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> Hallo
>> I recorded mpeg material from DVB-S card and I created video and audio
>> with
>> avidemux (version 2.4.4) from this material (avidemux with GUI).
> Ok so you didn't create the streams with the mjpegtools.
> Have you tried to multiplex a stream
Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have the same situation
>> after command
>> mplex -f 8 video.m2v audio1.m2a audio2.m2a -o film.mpg
>> I get Illegal instruction error :(
>> I have upgraded Ubuntu from 8.10 to 9.04 two weeks ago.
> Please provide some more information about
Steven Boswell II wrote:
> Granted, mplex shouldn't crash on this, but you do realize that you're
> multiplexing two sound files together without any video file, right?
> Shouldn't one of them be a video file?
I have the same situation
after command
mplex -f 8 video.m2v audio1.