Re: OpenBSD logo on my private hompage. It is allowed?

2018-06-07 Thread traveller
I’d I say you certainly can. You can’t claim the image as yours or sell it/profit from the image. Just using it on your site should be fine. -Ken On Jun 7, 2018, 8:27 PM -0700, Johannes Krottmayer , wrote: > Okay, > > My homepage is for non-profit purpose. I want create a little blog > where I c

Re: New laptop recommendations

2018-06-19 Thread traveller
I use 6.3 on my T450S. Works great. Also have installed easily on the Dell E7240 and E7440. I prefer the Thinkpad but the Dell is solid also. You can probably get one of each for under $1000. Likely you will want to replace the battery either way but all of these machines are available used quit

Re: "no route to host" from pkg_add

2018-08-07 Thread traveller
After OpenBSD, one too many “/“ On Aug 7, 2018, 11:16 AM -0700, Benjamin Walkenhorst , wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I recently installed OpenBSD 6.3 in a VPS. > > In the last few days, I get an error message when running pkg_add, "no route > to host". > I have tried setting various hosts in /etc/