SSH through port SMTP

2010-02-26 Thread inet_user23
Hi, I would like to connect via SSH protocol to a remote site running obsd PF in bridge mode where the only externally open port is SMTP, since there is a mail server running. I Thought of setting up PF at the remote site with the following ruleset: rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $myip to

Re: SSH through port SMTP

2010-02-27 Thread inet_user23
Hi, Thanks for your reply and advice. My problem is that I the remote operator may decide to block SSH access to the bridge. But I know he will not block SMTP access, because the bridge is running spamd. The bridge has to sk interfaces, the external one having a valid IP address and the interna

help with mail retrieval/cleaning/storage setup using openbsd

2010-03-11 Thread inet_user23
Hi, I need to setup an obsd box to work as a local storing mail server (where I can run some antivirus like clamav), for a domain that is hosted on the web. My idea is to have a script that periodically fetches the mail for all users, via POP3 or other protocol, from the the Internet domaing hos

spamd greylisting and 2nd MX question

2009-12-05 Thread inet_user23
Hi, I am using the -M option of spamd and I am seeing a lot good servers being trapped because they tried the secondary MX first. What I am assuming is that they tried the primary MX, which created a greylist entry. But this entry expired, and after that, they tried to connect to the 2nd MX. If

total system memory usage

2010-01-17 Thread inet_user23
Hi, How can one find out how much memory is being used by the different modules of the obsd system? In a system with 1GB running 4.5 I see very little being used by processes with top -b. But the reported free is only 155MB. load averages: 1.01, 0.77, 0.6810:19:05 31 processes: 1 runnin