Re: Recommendation for Beowulf/Apache Setup

2009-05-07 Thread Will Maier
of bandwidth between nodes and regular gigabit might not cut it (depending on your users' applications). -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

[OT] Re: Recommendation for Beowulf/Apache Setup

2009-05-07 Thread Will Maier
ux on them unless you have some reason (user requirements, demonstrated performance gains, etc) to do otherwise. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Separate desktop list?

2009-06-08 Thread Will Maier
e developers for whom OpenBSD-on-the-desktop matters very much. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Automated service/daemon management

2009-06-09 Thread Will Maier
.local and write/manage init scripts under /etc/rc.d. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Best way to automate administration of multiple servers

2007-11-14 Thread Will Maier
Log centrally using syslog; syslog-ng is a well-used central log server. [0] [1] -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Best way to automate administration of multiple servers

2007-11-14 Thread Will Maier
ou can use it interactively, too. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: What is our ultimate goal??

2008-02-17 Thread Will Maier
w users sometimes seem to have a hard time understanding or accepting this concept. I suggest you spend some time thinking about it before you fuel the next time-wasting flamefest. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:...http://www.lf

Re: Possible discrepancy between sshd_config(5) and ssh-agent(1)

2008-03-13 Thread Will Maier
ence and the quoted reference in ssh-add(1) refer to a _time format_ defined in sshd_config(5), not a keyword. Look in sshd_config(5) under TIME FORMATS. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Forcing ports install

2008-04-02 Thread Will Maier
the update (or reinstall) target. Folks using ports should be pretty familiar with things like and ports(7), though. Is there a reason you're not using packages from the mirrors? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:...http://ww

Re: how to get new port versions when following 4.0-patch

2006-12-11 Thread Will Maier
to the next release. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Errors Compiling OpenOffice

2006-12-17 Thread Will Maier
On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 08:22:05AM -0500, Jim Michael wrote: > I apologize. I incorrectly reported that I am using stable. I > did upgrade ports to -current on 12/16 before make install. Did you also upgrade your base system to -current? -- o--{ Will

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Will Maier
at used hacked imaging systems based on rsync or rdist. I quickly came to understand and appreciate _why_ cfengine exists, even if I also started a list of Things I Don't Really Like About CFengine. It's a mixed bag, but in my experience, the warts are worth it. -- o---

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Will Maier
o (string handling) that have been kludged-around in the OpenBSD port. Lastly, cfengine2 has been evolving for a while, so it's a bit crufty and at times befuddling. cfengine3 will (hopefully) address this problem with a rewrite, but that's still years away. -- o-

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Will Maier
been working on this for decades, now, and it's not an easy problem to solve. Perhaps your site/case is relatively straightforward and you can come up with a compact solution that works for you. That'd be cool. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-20 Thread Will Maier
up, put in the 'gold' copy, and whine about it. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Groklaw artical about the BSD license

2007-01-16 Thread Will Maier
ere are a number of BSD-licensed WMs, several of which can be found in the ports tree. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: p5-MIME-tools-5.420.tgz

2007-01-17 Thread Will Maier
ror > > I am new to OpenBSD...could someone help me? Did you read the FAQ[0] and pkg_add[1] man page? Is PKG_PATH set correctly in your environment? [0] [1], pkg_add(1) -- o------{ Will Maier }-

Re: Virtualisation on OpenBSD?

2007-01-24 Thread Will Maier
the binarys, and you have to email in for a > serial number to use it, they also have higher up pay-for > versions, with more features VMware is closed source. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o

Re: packages question

2007-01-29 Thread Will Maier
L-deps: B-deps: R-deps: Archs: any -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Can OpenBSD do what BusyBox does?

2007-03-21 Thread Will Maier
you'd need to tell us what hardware you're using, though I haven't heard of anyone installing OpenBSD on something like the Linksys WRT54G. If you want to run an OpenBSD router, grab a Soekris or an old i386 and install OpenBSD on it. Many, many people do this; it works well. --

Re: Problem on installing new packages

2007-03-26 Thread Will Maier
sn't helpful. Stuart wanted you to use FTP's data channel to make sure that you could fully communicate with the server. I doubt he cares what files you have in your home directory. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: sshd.config and AllowUsers

2007-03-26 Thread Will Maier
that I didn't include in the entry. Should it be in there > without the #? Yes. sshd_config(5) > And if so, do I also then have to uncomment all the other > entries?? No, they're the default settings. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o |

cron doesn't run commands in /etc/crontab?

2007-03-28 Thread Will Maier
recent -current/i386 as well as the latest snapshot (also i386) with no luck. I browsed the code, but didn't see any obvious problems. Any ideas? -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: cron doesn't run commands in /etc/crontab?

2007-03-28 Thread Will Maier
On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 03:58:35PM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote: > Reread crontab(5), the /etc/crontab has a slightly different > format (to specify username). Oh. ;) Quite right -- thanks for the cluestick. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o

Re: Problem: Raid mounting root as read-only, and not from the partition desired...

2007-04-07 Thread Will Maier
ake it work in the time you have. Migrations are big, scary things, and they need planning and experience. Even a great list like this can't be the cornerstone of your plan. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Binary kernel and base update

2007-04-09 Thread Will Maier
work. Setting one up on a spare box is rather straightforward (release(8), among other things). -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-20 Thread Will Maier
rience). I'm still waiting for Ceph[0] to mature (and to shed its linuxisms). ;) [0] -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: (and vs

2007-05-10 Thread Will Maier
r sites). Is this just bullshit? Yes, it's bullshit, and yes, Theo answered your question. www is a mirror. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: issues starting wmii window manager

2007-05-19 Thread Will Maier
tartx" in the console. And > /usr/X11R6/bin in my $PATH xinit(1), startx(1); specifically, look at ~/.xinitrc. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: OpenBSD and Kerberos Client

2007-06-05 Thread Will Maier
but Heimdal's covered all the topics I needed to get set. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: OpenBSD and Kerberos Client

2007-06-05 Thread Will Maier
email. Have you considered getting a free mail account somewhere else and using that for your non-work correspondence? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Locations of stable ports vs current ports

2007-06-20 Thread Will Maier
iles with tag' button at the bottom, and select the version you're interested in. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: telnetd ?

2007-06-25 Thread Will Maier
I get this daemon built? Search the archives... -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: ps wrapping

2007-06-26 Thread Will Maier
> still too long. ps(1): -w Use 132 columns to display information, instead of the default, which is the window size. If the -w option is specified more than once, ps will use as many columns as necessary without re- gard for window size. -- o-

Re: Rename multiple files at once

2007-06-27 Thread Will Maier
do NEW=$(echo $FILE | sed -e 's/\.jpg$/_thumb.jpg/') mv "${FILE}" "${NEW}" done -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Double mails from mailing list

2007-06-27 Thread Will Maier
to the Cc:. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: dhcp question

2007-07-03 Thread Will Maier
? and how could I handle new clients replacing > broken ones with regard to dishing out the correct configuration > file? Use lladdrs, not IP addresses, to name or serve the files. This is how most PXE setups work. See pxeboot(8) for some discussion. -- o---

Re: Secure Network File System - Or Lack Thereof

2007-07-14 Thread Will Maier
AFS servers). > (and OpenAFS is in ports) This port is a bit broken, IIRC, and out of date. I spent a week or two a few months ago trying to update the port, but it's non-trivial. It would be great to update it, but I wasn't really making progress. -- o--

Re: How to track port updates in stable?

2007-08-03 Thread Will Maier
ind it sufficient. > Absent that, has anyone come up with a simple hack to feed to cron > to accomplish the same thing? I pull updated ports and src daily via cron, and read (ports|source)-changes@ for commit messages, etc. Does that not achieve what you need? -- o---

Re: howto set global environment variable (e.g. PATH, JAVA_HOME)

2007-08-08 Thread Will Maier
w users to source it if they'd like, but that fits my site's policies well; depending on what you do and where you work, loginf.conf(5) may be more appropriate. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--

Re: pkg_add can't install a package

2007-08-17 Thread Will Maier
e > 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection. > /usr/sbin/pkg_add: clamav-0.90.3.tgz:Fatal error Use pkg_delete(1) to remove the .libs- package. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: pkg_add can't install a package

2007-08-17 Thread Will Maier
other packages, a .libs stub is kept for compatibility purposes with older stuff. [0] -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--

Re: Looking for something similar to "screen"-command

2007-09-12 Thread Will Maier
n most > Linux-distros using the command screen, but how can I do it in BSD? You can install the screen package? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Package configurations

2006-06-09 Thread Will Maier
cified in the port; packages with a FLAVOR (eg 'no_x11') will use the FLAVOR's specific configuration. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | freenode:..lt_kije | freenode:.

Re: recording streams with OpenBSD

2006-06-14 Thread Will Maier
" like in the FAQ, but it kept saying that the audio > device was busy. $ man mplayer [...] $ mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile stream.mp3 -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAI

Re: recording streams with OpenBSD

2006-06-15 Thread Will Maier
On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 03:01:58PM -0700, Bryan wrote: > Will Maier wrote: > >$ mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile > >stream.mp3 > > I did find that, but the stream is not an .mp3 file. So? Mplayer will dump an ASF stream. In fact, I

Re: cruxports for OpenBSD

2006-06-17 Thread Will Maier
88 clamav-0.88.2 > ksh: Ambiguous:: not found And here? This is all very straightforward and, more importantly, spelled out very explicitly in pkg_add(1). Read it. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | freenode:..lt_kije | freenode:#madlug,#wilug | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: FIX:vpnc

2006-06-18 Thread Will Maier
share/examples/vpnc/vpnc.conf > @mode 0600 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ${SYSCONFDIR}/vpnc/vpnc.conf > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ${SYSCONFDIR}/vpnc.conf > @mode > share/examples/vpnc/ -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL

Re: pkg_add -ui - Using Ports except or real Packages?

2006-06-19 Thread Will Maier
ts you're concerned with, donate resources for a larger build infrastructure, or build your own packages. [0] -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | freenode:..lt_kije | freenode:#madlug,#wilug | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: pkg_add -u not working

2006-06-20 Thread Will Maier
rrent? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | freenode:..lt_kije | freenode:..#openbsd,#madlug | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: pkg_add -u not working

2006-06-20 Thread Will Maier
ppen, I imagine. The only problem is money and resources. So if you care as much about having packages built for your arch as you seem to, donate money or hardware. Nikolay has already asked[0] for an amd64 to make -stable packages happen; can you help? [0]

Re: Webalizer packages for AMD64 is corrupted

2006-06-26 Thread Will Maier
nstalled? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Webalizer packages for AMD64 is corrupted

2006-06-26 Thread Will Maier
er it. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: nload on OpenBSD - or an alternative

2006-07-19 Thread Will Maier
bwm-ng-0.5p0 Path: net/bwm-ng Info: realtime bandwidth monitoring of interfaces Maint: Genadijus Paleckis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Index: net L-deps: B-deps: R-deps: Archs: any -- o------{ Will Maier }---

Re: OpenWebMail (package)

2006-07-20 Thread Will Maier
hasn't been touched in 16 months[1]. If you really have found a problem, it still need fixing, although I bet you're just missing some libs. [0] [1] -- o

Re: Man mksmbpasswd

2006-07-26 Thread Will Maier
u think mksmbpasswd needs a man page, you should probably send a diff to the samba folks. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Easy for a newbie to manage an OpenBSD server?

2006-08-01 Thread Will Maier
is is silly. Patch your system. If you and your successor spend a day or two reading the FAQ and afterboot(8) and keep your eye on your system, you'll stand a good chance of not having too much trouble. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: firefox for openbsd

2006-08-03 Thread Will Maier
s like so: $ man pkg_add [...] $ ftp [choose a mirror] $ export PKG_PATH="$(sysctl -n kern.version)/packages/$(machine)/" $ sudo pkg_add -i your-package -- o---

Re: Multi-tabbed Terminal

2006-08-04 Thread Will Maier
On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 10:02:50AM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote: > Can anyone recommend a light-weight multi-tabbed terminal for OBSD 3.9? > I looked through the i386 packages, but didn't notice any. I'm using FVWM2. xterm + misc/screen. -- o--

Re: Tyan v. Supermicro for Opteron?

2006-08-06 Thread Will Maier
d both and prefer one for some reason? I'm > looking at 2xCPU, and maybe dual-core in addition. We've been buying Supermicro Opterons (dual duals) for the past year or so. We're not running OpenBSD, but we've been quite pleased with the boards. --

Re: obsd 3.8 does not detect new HD

2006-08-09 Thread Will Maier
> Have anyone already faced such scenario? Maybe -- how should I know, though, when you don't even say what type of disk it is? or provide a dmesg? or give us any indication as to what you've tried to do to get it recognized? -- o--{ Will Maier }-

Re: mirroring packages without much bandwidth overhead

2006-08-14 Thread Will Maier
u have locally... -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Web access to sysctl hw.sensors

2006-08-17 Thread Will Maier
own, consider logging information from hw.sensors to a file available in the chroot and running your CGI on that. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: packages failure (was dsniff ports failure)

2006-08-24 Thread Will Maier
will switch to a > Linux variant or FreeBSD if OpenBSDs ports and packages are > screwed up. Packages and ports have worked just fine for me on 3.9 and -current. > It never used to be that difficult to build an OpenBSD pen test > box, at least with v3.6/v3.7/v3.8 It still isn'

Re: UTC vs UCT timezone

2006-09-05 Thread Will Maier
ese two the same? > > I had always had sych questions and had never had an answer. Good > question Plumlee. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL P


2006-09-08 Thread Will Maier
penbsd+xen -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [

Re: preferred hardware platform

2006-09-10 Thread Will Maier
27;t be a priority until after the thaw. [0] -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: clearing /tmp

2008-10-30 Thread Will Maier
inking one to the other? Did you check hier(7)? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Unbound: a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver

2008-05-21 Thread Will Maier
's still time to follow up on ports@ with test results. [0] -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... |

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-23 Thread Will Maier
> > extend, and I needed a sensible script language that was in > > base. > > at the risk of starting a flame war, considered python? beside not > being in the base, any other downsides for this particular task? That's a pretty big downside. -- o-

Re: Monitor Open Files

2008-06-20 Thread Will Maier
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 07:22:40PM -0700, Peter_APIIT wrote: > I think this command may help you. lsof. On OpenBSD, fstat(1) is often more interesting. As an added bonus, it's in base. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:...http://www


2008-07-01 Thread Will Maier
ouldn't be too hard to keep them on top of updates. ;) -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Broken Webalizer for 4.3?

2008-07-08 Thread Will Maier
ring freetype.16.0? The current freetype is: > freetype-1.3.1p3? Do you have the X sets installed? -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Broken Webalizer for 4.3?

2008-07-08 Thread Will Maier
cludes: * Not checking the archives for answers to a question before spamming the list * Not checking the FAQ * Whining -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: sendmail STARTTLS

2008-07-10 Thread Will Maier
nl > define(`confCLIENT_KEY', `CERT_DIR/mykey.pem')dnl > - Do those files exist? > Following 'man starttls' I should get: [...] > but I'm missing the '250 STARTTLS' entry from the above output! > > Any idea what might gone wr

Re: sendmail STARTTLS

2008-07-10 Thread Will Maier
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 03:56:48PM +0200, GVG GVG wrote: > On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Will Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 02:08:30PM +0200, GVG GVG wrote: > > > -- > > > define(`CERT_DIR', `M

Re: sendmail STARTTLS

2008-07-10 Thread Will Maier
(unless you change or drop the -C flag). -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: sshd_config(5) PermitRootLogin yes

2008-07-10 Thread Will Maier
r doesn't disable it by default ..." This has been discussed. Check the archives if you'd like. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: Sendmail won't use port 587 instead of 25

2008-07-14 Thread Will Maier
; MASQUERADE_AS(`')dnl > FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)dnl > ~ These defines need to come before the MAILER macros. Though you didn't post your whole .mc, I bet the above defines are down by the MASQUERADE* section, which is too late. -- o-

Re: 'Nother broken package - git-

2008-07-15 Thread Will Maier
pendency No. > or . . . ? Seems like git installed cleanly on 4.2. Are you going to send a mail to misc@ every time a package depends on X? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *-[ BSD: Live Free or Die ]*

Re: OpenBSD 4.3 FAQ in PDF?

2008-07-22 Thread Will Maier
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 09:32:15AM -0500, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote: > The number list could be collapsed into `seq 1 15` on a system > with seq installed. Have you met jot(1)? -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... |

Re: Low priority or real coders

2006-09-14 Thread Will Maier
), granted, but on workstations and servers, Unix was The Right Choice. IMHO, Unix *continues* to be the right choice in its traditional environments, and has become quite useful on desktops and laptops in the last decade or so. -- o------{ Will Maier }

Re: Upgrading 3.7 -> 3.9

2006-09-19 Thread Will Maier
On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 02:28:06PM -0400, ICMan wrote: > I want to upgrade from 3.7 to 3.9. Can someone give me some pointers? If you have specific problems, ask here again. You may find it easier to simply reinstall. -- o--{ Will Ma

Re: Help with chroot

2006-09-19 Thread Will Maier
to the and fail to load. I just > retype the url with my local IP and things load back up fine > again, but I have to leave that page or it will fail again. Either configure your wiki correctly or add a line to /etc/hosts. hosts(5) -- o-

Re: Some recommendations on file locations sought

2006-09-22 Thread Will Maier
re you running httpd as? Is that user a member of nogroup? Can that user read the file? [...] > But the Apache rejects my password. I tried it several times, > same thing, rejection. Did you look at the error_log? -- o--{ Will Maier }--

Re: couple of scp questions

2006-09-23 Thread Will Maier
he ones i started copying and not only its parts. > > was there any consideration to give scp similar functionality? $ scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:file file.part && mv file.part file -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:...http://

Re: ipsec vpn: freebsd and openbsd

2006-10-05 Thread Will Maier
Would it be a good idea to update the FAQ to point to pkg-stable.html and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or would it be preferable to make use of that list again (in conjunction, perhaps, with updates to the VuXML)? -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:..

Re: File system monitoring: another PCI cert requirement question

2006-10-09 Thread Will Maier
or Tripwire, among others. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: ports question

2006-10-11 Thread Will Maier
ocal/bin/pydoc2.4 /usr/local/bin/pydoc -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: update automaticly

2006-10-19 Thread Will Maier
sh. csh has long been considered harmful, and isn't very much fun to write. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Freetype2 without X11 or no_x11 package

2006-10-30 Thread Will Maier
OpenBSD release, but dont start building plans on it. Search the archives next time... [0] [1] -- o--{ Will Maier }--

Re: pkg_add(1) over ssh(1)?

2006-11-01 Thread Will Maier
them, sure. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: pkg_add(1) over ssh(1)?

2006-11-01 Thread Will Maier
ched local disk reads in speed. It's a real handy addition. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Large scale deployments

2006-11-02 Thread Will Maier
. Of course, you need to vet your new system image with your applications first. I sure wish I had 600 OpenBSD boxes to worry about...Scientific Linux is a headache. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Shared library without SHARED_LIBS:

2006-11-07 Thread Will Maier
??? > to /usr/ports/infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template.; Makefile.template isn't read by anything. Moreover, how could adding a comment affect anything? The right way to do what you want to do is to build the old MySQL yourself. Better yet, fix/ditch t

Re: Error in php5-gd-5.1.4 packages for OpenBSD 4.0

2006-11-09 Thread Will Maier
t a package dependency; freetype.13.1 is provided by the X install sets. Read the FAQ. If you're still confused, read the port's Makefile. -- o--{ Will Maier }--o | web:...http:/

Re: where is unarj-2.43?

2006-11-11 Thread Will Maier
cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/archivers/unarj/Makefile Blame upstream. If you need the package, you get to build it yourself. -- o------{ Will Maier }--o | web:... | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | *--[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]--*

Re: Firewall partially failing with high traffic

2006-11-14 Thread Will Maier
of the issue you're currently dealing with. As a bonus, things generally get better and 'more fixed' with each new version and, as Tobias says, there's a good chance the problem you're running up against is resolved. -- o--{ Will Maier }

Re: packages

2006-11-15 Thread Will Maier
package. Don't do that. You can use pkg_add(1) on local files, too, you know. $ sudo pkg_add all the packages you downloaded at your friend's house This is a rather common question -- search the archives next time. [0]

Re: ports installing files in /etc?

2006-11-18 Thread Will Maier
he man > pages and it is certainly different to the way pkg_* works on > NetBSD (where there is a different /etc for the packages). Assuming OpenBSD works just like NetBSD will make things hard for you. Read the FAQ and man pages, and trust pkg_info(1). -- o--{ Will

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