make(1) and multiple outputs

2018-08-31 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Short: is there a way to manage multiple outputs from a single command with OpenBSD's make(1)? Longer story. I have a site that generates a few hundred articles using sblg(1). Each output article is indexNNN.html, which depends upon every input indexNNN.xml. So a change to any indexNNN.xml must

Git(Hub) and CVS

2018-01-18 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
I know many here are using CVS, and many are also using git, so I wonder if anybody can help me. On, I push my CVS repositories (kcgi, sblg, etc.) to GitHub from time to time using a cvs2git script. It goes as follows, shortened and pseudonymised: REPO=$1 # e.g., kcgi cd /tmp/cvs2git

Re: Git(Hub) and CVS

2018-01-20 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
>> I know many here are using CVS, and many are also using git, so I wonder >> if anybody can help me. On, I push my CVS repositories (kcgi, >> sblg, etc.) to GitHub from time to time using a cvs2git script. It goes >> as follows, shortened and pseudonymised: >> >> REPO=$1 # e.g., kcgi >

Re: Git(Hub) and CVS

2018-01-20 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> I'm guessing the cvs2git version changed in the upgrade and the new version > generates different commit hashes from the old one. You can verify this by > comparing how a known commit shows up on the GitHub UI vs. a git log of a > recent cvs2git conversion: if the "commit XXX" strings differ

Re: How to generate manpages with sqlite2mdoc?

2018-02-14 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> Hi there, > > I'm trying to create manages for SQLite with sqlite2mdoc > ( > ). I followed the > instructions in and created an executable named > ``sqlite2mdoc'', but when I executed it, it just hang u

Re: manual assistance

2018-03-15 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> > (a bit dated by now and a bit wordy, > but probably still worthwhile) I would love for somebody conversant in mdoc(7) (and, um, English) take over this project!

Documenting library promises.

2018-04-06 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Hi folks, Short: what do you recommend for documenting an external library's pledge(2) requirements? Longer: The question raised in this... um... toot?... is which promises are required by an external library call, in this case khttp_parse(3) in kcg

Re: Documenting library promises.

2018-04-06 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
>> .Sh SANDBOXING >> On >> .Ox , >> the >> .Fn khttp_parse >> function requires the >> .Qq stdio proc >> promises to >> .Xr pledge 2 . > > As long as it is only a single sentence, that could easily go right > after the description of the individual function in the DESCRIPTION, > or alternatively a

Re: cgit about-filter in chroot (httpd + slowcgi)

2021-03-28 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
$ cat < my-cgit-filter.c #include int main(void) { execl("/bin/lowdown", "lowdown", NULL); return 1; } EOF $ cc my-cgit-filter.c -o my-cgit-filter.c -static Instead of downloading, recompiling, and installing lowdown; then building and installing a program that execs the downl

Re: openrsync crashes when syncing local source and local destination

2019-06-26 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> openrsync crashes when sycning local files. It was working a few days > ago but after upgrading current it produces this error. No files are > transferred. > > openrsync -v local-dir/ local-dir/ > > /usr/src/usr.bin/rsync/io.c:224: error: unexpected end of file > /usr/src/usr.bin/rsync/io.c:

Re: openrsync crashes when syncing local source and local destination

2019-06-26 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> is it a case that the source and destination directory are the same ? > that the issue at hand ? Tom, Doesn't matter when I try it. Aaron, I am able to cause a premature exit by running against a source machine's rsync that doesn't exist. By default, openrsync will invoke "rsync". So if

Re: davical on openbsd

2015-04-17 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 > If I'd have to deploy a new caldav only server (i.e. no carddav) > I'd go testing kcaldav (which I've learned about just today, > thanks, Joerg Jung!): Do note that small version number with kcaldav--it's still very

OpenBSD 5.8, -static, and -nopie

2016-03-01 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Hi, I'm having a strange issue on 5.8 regarding compiling -static binaries. In short, unless I specify -nopie for a particular statically-linked binary, it segfaults. Am I making a mistake, maybe, in my compilation? First, uname -a: OpenBSD xxx 5.8 GENERIC#1170 amd64 All of the packag

Re: Creating a blog using OpenBSD: technology choices and security considerations

2016-04-26 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
FWIW, I use my own all the time. It just knits together HTML (XML style) articles via a Makefile. No python or markdown or any crap. Not sure if it's in ports yet. (I think A. Bentley had one?)

letsencrypt (Was: Re: TLS now supported on

2016-05-10 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> I dislike the idea. > > For one, it does not stop a MITM by itself. > > In addition, enforced encryption makes it hard to cache and/or use > proper http proxies with the site. > > Purely informative sites don't need TLS. The user can opt to use TLS > if he thinks the content he needs to read i

Re: letsencrypt (Was: Re: TLS now supported on

2016-05-10 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
>> (By the way, httpd(8) doesn't support SNI yet--what do you use a >> web server? I found that apache2's chroot and https combo didn't >> pass the "can I set this up in less than five minutes" sniff >> test--I ended up using nginx.) > > OpenBSD httpd :) If you need to serve more than one website

letsencrypt redux

2016-05-15 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
A few days ago, there was a thread regarding letsencrypt clients and their, um, cavalier approach to security. Since I like my free certs and I like automation, and I also like not worrying about being owned, I reckoned I could do better than mystery-meat clients.

Re: letsencrypt redux

2016-05-17 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
>> It's designed to run on OpenBSD but works crappily on Mac OS X and >> Linux. Crappily because both are hostile to good security practises. >> I'm not going to put any extra effort into these for compatibility. > > I think you already added a lot of compatibility goo. > Might have been better

iPhones and nginx/slowcgi on OpenBSD <=5.5

2014-07-01 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Folks, If anybody's running nginx with slowcgi(8) on or before OpenBSD 5.5 release, be aware that there's a subtle error (fixed after 5.5) that silently discards HTTP headers with some referrers. Long story: I noticed that cookies POSTed by an iPhone client were lost before being passed to a

Re: site down

2014-03-22 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Anyone knows about the mdocml site's status? Daniel, I know--the server went AWOL yesterday. I'm contacting the provider to see if they can kick it over... please be patient for another day or two! Best, Kristaps

Re: What password manager do you recommend?

2022-01-08 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
If you're using keepassxc-browser with chromium in ports (at least for 7.0), note that the same unveil bits documented for firefox apply: % tail /etc/chromium/unveil.main [snip] # KeePassXC /usr/local/bin r /usr/local/bin/keepassxc-proxy rx If you don't have the /usr/local/bin unveil, it wil

Re: systrace/sysjail wrappers security

2007-08-07 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> I am using sysjail, so I am very interested how to mitigate attacks or > is there anything OpenBSD could change to mitigate these issues? Until the kernel wrapper issues have been addressed, the sysjail page has been updated to indicate that it SHOULD NOT be used (nor should any systrace(4) sys

Re: OpenBSD's webpage desing

2012-06-27 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
On 27/06/2012 22:53, Matthew Dempsky wrote: On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Ted Unangst wrote: Here's something I think would be a *major* improvement. Fix magicpoint to export slides in a format better than jpg. Or extend mandoc to support Comic Sans so it can be used for presentation slid

Re: Jail-System for OpenBSD

2011-07-21 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
I think the question is not new but I only found an old talk for version 3.x, so I want to ask again: Is there anything comparable to FreeBSD jails (now)? I found sysjail but I am not sure, if it is working under 4.9 (maybe I will try it in the next few days):

Re: Jail-System for OpenBSD

2011-07-21 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
There's chroot of course. Jail itself has issues and some of them are described eg. here (Note I've also not put any work into mult, sadly. All of my hacking time's pushed into mandoc sweet-sweet-sweetness.) (Yeah, that's me in the presentation.)

mdoc & manuals [OT]

2011-08-26 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Hi, How many of you want secretly to write or edit manpages but are scared away by the language syntax? How many have needed to write a manual, but just, you know, copied over something similar, tweaked some words, and crossed your fingers? How many can distantly remember searching the web

Does anybody use deroff(1)?

2011-09-01 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Hi, I'm curious---does anybody use deroff(1)? And if so, for what? I'm only interested in contemporary uses unless you have some awesome stories. I guesss I'm curious if it has any particular utility other than "deroff | spell". (Does anybody use spell(1), for that matter?) References:

Re: Couple of issues with man pages.

2011-10-12 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
On 12/10/2011 19:31, David Walker wrote: Hey team. I'm looking at cvs and man pages and stuff. I notice that two cvs pages - cvs(1) and cvs(5) - don't have SEE ALSO hyperlinks appearing in cgi ... http://www.op

Re: man page sources?

2011-10-24 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
On 24/10/2011 11:02, Michal Mazurek wrote: On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 02:14:02PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote: I committed build system changes to install source manuals and no longer install formatted manuals from 5.0 onwards. This is nice, now I can do something like this in /etc/man.conf: < _bu

Re: Updating plus.html

2011-11-03 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
That said, i don't think having individual developers provide plus.html entries in addition to commit messages would work - additional workload, lack of uniform style, and lack of a "big picture" pespective. So it has to be done by one person, or by a small team. The ideal person to do it would

Where do manpages come from?

2011-11-22 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Hi (warning: off-topic morning coffee-time message), Recently, while working on mandoc goodies, it seemed that the many Internet accounts of UNIX manpage history were at times inconsistent with roff.7: This resulted in some det

Re: cat1/sh.0: formatting problem

2010-04-06 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
ok, here's something that doesn't look right (hmm, I should probably file a bug?) you don;t need to open bug reports for this stuff - just let us know. in this case it looks like the Pf macro is misbehaving. i've mailed kristaps and ingo to let them know. Hi Claus -- good catch! The `Pf' mac

Re: mandoc issue?

2010-04-07 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> hi there, > > $ perldoc perllol (or man perllol) > ... >An array of an array is just a regular old array c...@aoa >that you can get at with two subscripts, like >CW$AoA[3][2]. Here's a declaration of the array: > ... > > expected: > >An array of an array is just

Re: OT: Seems OpenBSD isn't absolutely alone in it's quest, atleast on embedded systems.

2011-06-08 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
Here's a helpful start: Enjoy!

Re: Man page formatting errors

2010-06-01 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
See, for example, the cvs(1) man page: Source: \fBcvs add\fP \fIfile\fP\|.\|.\|. Use this command to enroll new files in \fBcvs\fP records of your working directory. The files will be added to the repository the next time you run .` "cvs commit". Note: You should use the .` "cvs import" command

Re: GCC manpage glitch

2010-08-16 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
The gcc manpage contains some weird glitches, for instance : "(usually Cv'-.1v'h'-1p'+h'-1p'+v'.1v'h'-1p')" I tracked it down to "(usually \*(C+)" in the man page's source. However, I'm not a *roff expert so I don't know where to look, so I just let you know. Hi Thomas, Good catch. For any ro

Re: GCC manpage glitch

2010-08-18 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons
> Stuff like \s0 or \s12 may not be documented in the GNU troff manuals - > i did not check - but the Nroff/Troff User's Manual by Ossanna, > Kernighan, and Ritter, available as part of the Heirloom Documentation > Tools, see > does document it: > >