freeze on the fly

2005-07-30 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i have a Dell Precision Workstation 370 running OBSD 3.7. My system runs rock solid even under high stress like build the whole system. But, by the second time i face a system complete freeze. I am edit a file (this second time) and suddenly everything freezed. I could not even turn th

OBSD & WinXP Integration

2005-08-02 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i am considering integrating windows XP desktop with openbsd servers. I am thinking with the following scenarios. OpenBSD servers for the following services: 0) NIS; 1) NFS; 2) Kerberos; Windows XP Professional Desktop with the following: SFU 3.5 I wish to be able to add users on

software testing

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i have written a piece of code i would like to test with openbsd on soekris hardware. My work is a replacement for DJB CDB with a the nice BSD license. I wonder if some in this list could provide me such environment in the following sense: 0) grant me a shell access for doing my tests

Re: software testing

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
Yeah! On 8/4/05, Bob Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > if it's in userland you don't need to do anything > special for it to run on "soekris hardware" i386 is i386 is > i386. Have you run your stuff on OpenBSD i386? > > -Bob &

Soekris & OBSD as servers

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
I would like to set a obsd and soekris boxes as a server for about 100 users. This box is supposed to handle NIS + Kerberos. Does such configuration can handle the task ? I mean on a performance matter. Does anybody have such configuration? Thanks.

Re: software testing

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
. Have you run your stuff on OpenBSD i386? > > -Bob > > > * Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-04 16:31]: > > Hey folks, > > > > i have written a piece of code i would like to test with openbsd on > > soekris hardware. My work is a rep

Re: Soekris & OBSD as servers

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
On 8/5/05, Scott Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/4/05, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I would like to set a obsd and soekris boxes as a server for about 100 > > users. > > This box is supposed to handle NIS + Kerberos. > > > > Do

Re: software testing

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
> You're also likely to get more useful responses if you include _any_ > details about what your software does, what it's written in, or even a > URL to the source (if you really want useful comments). Here you have it: Since, i would really appreciat

HP thin Client

2005-08-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
Anyone running HP thin client with OPENBSD (netbooting from a openbsd server)? What is your experience with them? thanks.

Re: software testing

2005-08-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
Ok, sure! The url is: I believe, now people will something about. On 8/5/05, knitti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/5/05, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Here you have it: > >

Re: Text editor

2005-08-07 Thread Gustavo Rios
On 8/6/05, Gerardo Santana Gsmez Garrido <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/6/05, Mike Henker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi yesterday I installed OpenBSD 3.7 seem to be all ok, my question is > > how I can edit the files of the operating system,what editor you > > recommand? (I m a newbie) If is

Thin Clients

2005-08-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
Does anybody have experience getting Thin Clients to work with OBSD? I was considering HP ones, but are too expensive. Any other suggestions?

Re: Major Surprise with xdm on 3.7

2005-08-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
BTW, if i have a dual head Video Board, two mice, two keyboards, would it be possible to configure X to allow two users working on the same box, i.e., two X login screens, and of course, those login screens totally independent? Thanks for your advice.

Re: Need Opinion

2005-08-16 Thread Gustavo Rios
If my english was as good as your i would not ask you what becose and doit means. On 8/16/05, Carlos A. Garcia G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i have a configuration for some users but i would like to know opinions > on what to do this is becose i have an idea but not sure how to doit > > i have

Re: I predict Theo De Raadt will have a nervous breakdown in the near future.

2005-08-16 Thread Gustavo Rios
Would you mind posting it here? On 8/17/05, Roger Neth Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello List, > Last week I got an e-mail from Theo about my stupidity with not reading the > manuals thourghal enough. > I'm glad Theo told me in so many words and woke me up! > > Best regards, > > rogern > >


2005-08-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i have obsd 3.7 installed with X i got from the official CD distro. I have installed openmotiff in my desktop. Everything would be ok except for the fact that rxvt does not log to utmp the user when i invoke it from the mwm .mwmrc configuration file or from the .xession. Example: When

Re: OpenBSD 3.7 Samba 2.2.12 problem with Roaming Profiles

2005-08-20 Thread Gustavo Rios
Excuse, but does samba 2.2.12 supports NT Active Directory? As far as i know, not. Anyway, correct if i am wrong. On 8/20/05, Smonek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > OpenBSD 3.7 ( GENERIC ) Samba 2.2.12 + smb.conf PDC ( NT Active Directory ) > I have a problem with Roaming Profiles ( client XP SP2 aft

Sun Ultra 1 and Ultra 5

2006-03-03 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i have an sun workstation in hand and had never had a previous experience with sun hardare before. I would like redirect console to serial port. These machine are very old, and hardware documentation has been lost. It has a serial port, doesn't it? I was trying to get X working, but no

sun ultra 1 / ultra 5 disk layout

2006-03-03 Thread Gustavo Rios
Here i am again with my new old sun ultra 1 boxes. When playing with i386 boxes, i used to let a initial 63 sectors for the boot procedure. So, i never used my whole disk. For sun, i don't know whether i have to let some space or may just go using from sector 0. /Thanks in advance.

Sun Ultra 1

2006-03-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i have just installed 3.8 in my sun desktop. It installed ok, 100% perfect. Know, i would like to strip the kernel to the bare minimum and get X working. have anybody in the list already configured the kernel and recompiled it? Could you send the two configuration files in order to me

Re: serial console

2006-03-09 Thread Gustavo Rios
Feb 2006, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > Hey folks, > > > > i am trying to set my desktop serial console in order to be able to > > have serial access to my soekris box. > > > > I wonder how should i configure my local (desktop box) serial to do > > it? I known,

Re: serial console

2006-03-09 Thread Gustavo Rios
Ok! Sorry, here is my dmesg: console is keyboard/display Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995-2005 OpenBSD. All rights reserved. OpenBSD 3.8 (GENERIC) #607: Sat Sep 10 16:03

Re: Pre-orders for our releases.

2006-03-10 Thread Gustavo Rios
OpenBSd always charges nothing back, that's an ideology (that's the way i see). The price of ideologies in a world like ours is expensive. For instance, i am tired of seeing big players using openssh and the like. They give nothing back to OpenBSD. Probable the thrid BSD license clause should be i

home VPN

2006-03-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i live in brazil, and it is a common practice for local corporation/institutions to monitor our phone calls, internet access and personal email. I would like to be able to access Internet by means of a proxy. My initial ideia is to get some peer (personnel) outside brazil that would al

Re: home VPN

2006-03-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
encrypted email, tor to route tcp sessions and stunnel to ssl-ize > anyting. > > CK (i get paid to think like that) > > > On 3/11/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Dear folks, > > > > i live in brazil, and it is a common practice for local >

OpenBSD firewall

2006-03-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
I am searching for materials that describe openbsd firewall not for technically oriented folks. I would like to convince management people on accepting openbsd. Some thing that includes features, benefits and the like. I have found none yet, even ssearching google. All the best.

OpenBSD 3.8 Stable and ICH6 AC97 does not sound anything

2006-03-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i have just installed openbsd into my desktop machine and as expected, installation was perfect. I got X running and everything else, but sound. Although i can use mpg123 to play a mp3 file or even cdio to play audio cd., i hear no sound. Here is my dmesg: OpenBSD 3.8-stable (GENER

problem compiling ports, 3.8 stable

2006-03-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, in order to improve my desktop openbsd box, i am trying to get some applications working, but without success. For instance, when i try to install gimp, i get this: Script started on Sat Mar 18 00:01:06 2006 # make build ===> graphics/gimp/stable ===> gimp-2.2.8 depends on: p5-XML-P

Re: OpenBSD 3.8 Stable and ICH6 AC97 does not sound anything

2006-03-18 Thread Gustavo Rios
TED]>: > Gustavo Rios wrote: > > Although i can use mpg123 to play a mp3 file or even cdio to play > > audio cd., i hear no sound. > > For kicks, try plugging your speakers into one of the other ports on the > motherboard (mic, line). Sometimes the manufacturers misroute the > ou

Re: OpenBSD 3.8 Stable and ICH6 AC97 does not sound anything

2006-03-18 Thread Gustavo Rios
Could you send me it? How do i use your patch ? Thanks. 2006/3/18, Steve Shockley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > David T Harris wrote: > > I think he means to go and unplug your speakers from the > > computer case, and then plug that plug into one of the other > > ports in your computer case. > > > > No

asynchronous RPC mechanism

2006-03-22 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i have choosen openbsd as my plataform of choice for deploying a service that will have to handle RPC processing in an asynchronous fashion. I got surprised when i see that the RPC library that comes with OpenBSD does not support Async processing. I tried to build my own routine and fo


2006-03-23 Thread Gustavo Rios
Does anybody have a soekris box and would like to give a shell account for some testing? I am considering to buy one for me, but i would like, previously, to be able to feel what it is like. Thanks. PS: Of course, i expect it to run openbsd.

rxvt strange behavior

2006-03-24 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am running openbsd 3.8 and have installed rxvt from ports. I would like to keep track of which users are running into which terminal. For this to happen, i am request to start it with "+ut" option. I have accomplished that with the following entry in my .Xdefault file: Rxvt.utmpInhi

event viewer on X

2006-03-24 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am seeking an event viewer that i could use within an X session (just like xconsole) but with a transparent background texture, that could show only the message log line. Some thing that could not be moved with the mouse, whithout the window borders. I remenber to have saw something

Re: event viewer on X

2006-03-25 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman Weisgerber, i would like to thank you a lot. Your suggestion was to the point. Thanks a lot man. 2006/3/24, Christian Weisgerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > i am seeking an event viewer that i could use within an

Re: C++ textbooks: recommendations?

2006-04-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
I would not suggest C++ for anything! On 4/4/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i need to learn C++, but do not know where to begin with textbooks or online > docs. since, AFAICT, there are a great many skilled programmers on list, i > would > appreciate any recommendations that c

RedBlack trees

2006-04-06 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i saw OpenBSD comes with a library that implements a redblack tree features. I know there are many ways to implement it. The difference is in performance. I don't know the fastest one. May some of the openbsd friends suggest one? Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation. Best regar

Re: RedBlack trees

2006-04-06 Thread Gustavo Rios
s own), implementing it recursively, etc. Which of them happens to be the fatest? Which one did OpenBSD used? Once more, thank you a lot. On 4/6/06, Ray Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 05:07:14PM -0300, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > Hey folks, > > > > i saw O

Re: laptops needed

2006-04-09 Thread Gustavo Rios
Excuse gentleman, but i don't see any rationale behind that tense: " one could argue that people who live in such places should > not have computers)" On 4/9/06, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Two developers who don't have a lot of money recently had their > laptops die -- lapt

Strange rxvt/xterm behavior

2006-04-10 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear friends, i am running two xterm. When i run from any of them the "w" command i got this: $ tty && w /dev/ttyp0 10:47PM up 8 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.88, 0.50, 0.23 USERTTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAT griosp0 :0.0 10:45PM 0 w griosp1 :0.0

Re: Strange rxvt/xterm behavior

2006-04-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
Excuse, but this is already accomplished by my .Xdefaults file. On 4/11/06, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 10:54:50PM -0300, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > Dear friends, > > > > i am running two xterm. When i run from any of them the

Dual Core

2006-04-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
Does it make any difference to have dual core processor or not with openbsd ? Thanks.


2006-04-27 Thread Gustavo Rios
Here it goes. [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-gzip which had a name of bck.tar.gz]

Re: OpenBSD's LIBC C99 missing %a string format support

2006-04-28 Thread Gustavo Rios
I could suggest one to avoid ANSI C functions as much as possible. Write his/her own ones. Why? The motivation has been stated by you: portability concerns. I could do it ... On 4/28/06, Leonardo Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello everyone! > > So, I've been trying to build some apps he

Re: OpenBSD's LIBC C99 missing %a string format support

2006-04-28 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman Moerbeek, thank you very much for your clarifications. I will seriously take them in account the next time i write a line of code. All the best. On 4/28/06, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > I could

/emul size

2006-04-28 Thread Gustavo Rios
I am considering enableing linux emulation in my openbsd box. For this i will have to install the linux emul port in my system. But i do not know how much space should put aside for /emul directory. Thanks in advance.

Re: OpenBSD Order 2006/3/14-9:0:5-16439

2006-05-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
penBSD Order! In case of problems or questions about this order, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Order number 2006/3/14-9:0:5-16439: Your order currently is: -> 1 OpenBSD 3.9 CD @ USD $45.00 -> Total: USD $45.00 + Shipping. Ship To: Name: Gustavo Rios Company: Address: Rua Vinicius de Moraes

Re: OpenBSD Order 2006/3/14-9:0:5-16439

2006-05-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman, sorry for being unpolite. I won't happen again. On 5/5/06, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 5/5/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i would like to know how long should i wait before i receive my CD set? > Is there any reason for th

Re: OpenBSD Order 2006/3/14-9:0:5-16439

2006-05-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
I have done it twice. On 5/5/06, Aaron Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ted is just pulling your chain. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for questions regarding your order; just like it says on the email receipt :) On 5/5/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear gentleman

Re: OpenBSD Order 2006/3/14-9:0:5-16439

2006-05-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
I meant media. On 5/5/06, Constantine A. Murenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 05/05/06, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 5/5/06, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > i would like to know how long should i wait before i receive my CD set? > >

int vs. long

2006-05-12 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am writing a program to perform some tasks i would like to do. I am running 3.8 on 64 bit box, for now. While playing around with int a long types i could see a performance improvement when using long type over the same method using int type. What is the theory behind this increase

Re: they say openbsd is not as scalable as others

2006-05-25 Thread Gustavo Rios
What we need to keep in mind, is that techincally, just because we keep our mind in security for the first concern, it should not take as an excuse for delivering slow processing. Sacrifice correctness for speed is completing nonsense. I cannot even try to understand it: what is the value of a pr

Re: they say openbsd is not as scalable as others

2006-05-25 Thread Gustavo Rios
There some things in life i do really enjoy playing with. I like programming and related things, right now i am working on a series of programs for replacing traditional unix tools, dues to security, performance and even license concerns. I believe i will have everything done in the end of the up

Re: they say openbsd is not as scalable as others

2006-05-25 Thread Gustavo Rios
You are welcome! PS: I am payed to maked others life simple, and in general the simpler the life the more expensive the bill gets. On 5/25/06, akonsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: thank you for telling me what i should do. this makes life much easier. 2006/5/25, Bob Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > >

OT: phone line 2 ethernet converters

2005-08-30 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear friends, sorry for being off-topic, i am able to rent a pair of twist line (a circuit) between my home and and friends one. I wonder if there exist and ethernet extender device that could connect an ethernet cable to a phone line. It would do no special work, just a raw connection between 2 t

Re: DBMail on openBSD

2005-09-04 Thread Gustavo Rios
What need to be done what they are doing, but only better? On 9/4/05, Brandon Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Jean-Daniel Beaubien wrote: > > > Hi everyone, I'd like to get an idea of the status of DBMail on > > openBSD. If anyone has had some experience with DBMail on obsd please > > let me

superviser daemon

2005-09-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am using obsd for a shell server access. For monitoring daemons, i use DJB daemontools. What i dislike about it, is: 0) Very high process overhead, i.e., each pair requires 2 other process for monitoring, and 1) djb license: i believe the old abd good BSD one. So, i decided to came

Re: superviser daemon

2005-09-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
Ok, i see! What, then, should i address more? Thanks once more. 2005/9/8, Damien Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > By using BSD license, would i be able to confidently consider my tools > > to be included wihtin OBSD? > >


2005-10-09 Thread Gustavo Rios
Does OBSD support something like Solaris DTrace? Thanks.

Re: DTrace

2005-10-09 Thread Gustavo Rios
Sorry, i was talking about OBSD! Anyhow, what would it be the problem with DTrace, for OBSD not supporting it? 2005/10/9, Joe S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Gustavo Rios wrote: > > Does OBSD support something like Solaris DTrace? > > > > Thanks. > > > > > No, but it will be availalbe in FreeBSD soon.

Trunk(4) for 3.8

2005-10-31 Thread Gustavo Rios
I am in doubt reading the following paragraph: "The driver currently supports the trunk protocols roundrobin [default], failover, and none for link aggregation and link failover." Does the part "... and none for link aggregation and link failover" mean that if i want link aggregationa nd lin

Windows & OpenBSD

2005-11-01 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks! I am in need for integrating a set of windows dektops with some openbsd servers. I have two openbsd boxes: one acting like an NFS server and another with NIS + Kerberos. The OpenBSD workstations are already working with authentication being provided by NIS+Kerberos and storage central

Re: Windows & OpenBSD

2005-11-01 Thread Gustavo Rios
That's the type of question i would like feedback about. 2005/11/1, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > --On 01 November 2005 11:42 -0200, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > Now another problem: How to make windows authentication directly by > > means of NIS/KRB or even f

Re: Windows & OpenBSD

2005-11-01 Thread Gustavo Rios
One thing i would like was support for NIS (for user/group/etc database) and SSO by means of Kerberos for authentication purposes. As far as i know, pGina does not support such scenario. 2005/11/1, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > --On 01 November 2005 11:42 -0200, Gustavo R

Re: Windows & OpenBSD

2005-11-01 Thread Gustavo Rios
meone (kindly enough) if it would be possible for me to exchange some experiences in this regards, privately, once this is particular to OBSD. Once more, thank you for your time and cooperation. Best regards. 2005/11/1, Stefan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > - Original Message - > Fr


2005-11-02 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am setting two firewalls to operate with CARP. They have three interface each, one to outside, one to inside and the third will link them both together. The outside network, is a just used for routing, it useds 192.68.0.*. I requested three address: (Will be used for

preventing OS fingerprint

2005-11-03 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman, i have an obsd firewall and would like to prevent external entities discovering that firewall is openbsd, is that possible? Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

Re: preventing OS fingerprint

2005-11-03 Thread Gustavo Rios
Right now, i am running into bussiness. I would like my client to get focused into the solution only. I don't want to give him a chance to compare my proposal to other. that's why. 2005/11/3, Hans van Leeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Gustavo Rios wrote: > > >Dear gent

Dual Head Graphic Card

2005-11-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear friends, mo desktop box's graphic card has support for two monitor. I have two sets containing each: 1 monitor, 1 mouse and 1 keyboard. The mouse and keyboard are connected to the monitor via USB. I wonder if i could have a configuration like that: I would like to have the first 5 ttys conne

OT: 10 things i hate most on unix

2005-11-05 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone tell if it is serious, i myself could not believe it.

Re: Dual Head Graphic Card

2005-11-06 Thread Gustavo Rios
proliferate desktop around. 2005/11/6, Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Gustavo Rios wrote: > > Dear friends, > > > > mo desktop box's graphic card has support for two monitor. I have two > > sets containing each: 1 monitor, 1 mouse and 1 keyboard. The mouse

OT: system administration utilities

2005-11-10 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am writing some utilities and i am in need to test. I seeking sysadmin to test them in real condition environment. I am running OBSD 3.7 (in home) but i don't have a production environment where i could test them. The test should let the tester know about : Portability, Performance a


2005-11-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
I wonder how "real" is SMP under OpenBSD! I mean: My box is a 2 processors/2 NICs. Each NIC with its own IP Address. I would like the following scenario: process p0 binded to IP address ip0, and process p1 binded to IP address ip1. Of course, each IP are on different NIC. I wonder if i could


2005-11-11 Thread Gustavo Rios
I think i was not clear, sorry! Because if i use mono proc. i would be even closer to SMP. 2005/11/12, Matthew Weigel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On 11 Nov, 2005, at 8:52 PM, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > I wonder if i could do REAL SMP! > > I don't think you have a strong

tools in openbsd

2005-11-17 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, I have been around with a doubt in my mind. While i see many good tools in the net, i could not figure it out why they cannot be come default in openbsd dist. For instance, i am very confortable with tools like qmail and djbdns. I ask because i love programming and i am very confident

huge passwd/group database

2005-11-24 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, reading groups functions for openbsd i could realize that in order to have supplementary groups retrieved, the routine pass through the entire database group. For each of the group entry, it scans if the given user matches in the list of the group member. I believe this approach does no

Re: #define failure opportunity

2005-11-29 Thread Gustavo Rios
I dont think a separated business growing around that would be a good ideia? I don't really think so. I am not saying this happened to other projects like FreeBSD, but i switched from FreeBSD to OpenBSD exactly because much of what i saw the first time i started with FreeBSD i could not see since t

Hardware Monitor

2005-11-30 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman, i am running openbsd 3.7 on my Dell PWS 270 Workstations and having problem configuring hardware monitoring. Does anybody know how could i figure it out which hardware monitor this workstations have? thanks in advance.


2005-12-07 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman, i am planning a single router for my 5 boxes network (ont incluind the router). I am thinking using Soekris for such a task. I was thinking on net4526 model ( If there is anyone here running such hardware, i would like to hear which harddisk and

Re: Soekris

2005-12-07 Thread Gustavo Rios
Thanks you all for your time and cooperation. I would like a small router, with a single hard disk and a wireless device. Which would it be the perfect soekris models? What you are you running? Thanks once more. 2005/12/7, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > --On 07 December 2005 16:40 -0800

Re: Soekris

2005-12-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
One ore question: I was thinking going for net4526-30 model. Is 64MB CF enough to run openbsd 3.8 for a wireless router? Thanks in advance. 2005/12/8, Rick Aliwalas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > I hear CF is slow! Is that true? Which is

CF type II

2005-12-10 Thread Gustavo Rios
your time and cooperation. Best regards, Gustavo Rios

OBSD indirect call

2005-12-20 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i wonder if OpenBSD allows for RPC Indirect (RPC_PROC_CALLIT) call message to be received by means of TCP too, or it is only by UDP? Thanks for your time and cooperation. best regards.

OT: software testing envinronment

2006-01-03 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hello folks, sorry for being OT, but i have written some code and would like to test it on 64 bit little/big endian box and have none to try. Would it be the case some here kind enough to provide me with shell access? I am seeking not only OBSD environments. Thanks a lot for your time and cooper

OpenBSD T/TCP support

2006-01-07 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear folks, i am trying to figure it out whether OpenBSD support T/TCP or not, but until so far, i could not see. Thanks in advance.

OT: event driven processing

2006-01-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
expiration, signal, etc). It would help to access to paper on this matter. Sincerely, Gustavo Rios PS: Since, this is OT, reply to, if that would be the case.

RAID/SATA controller

2006-01-13 Thread Gustavo Rios
Dear gentleman, I was wondering how stable is the ami driver for PERC 4/SC and CERC SATA Raid controller and the performance levels those devices deliver with OpenBSD OS. Thanks for your time and cooperation.

multiple users on single host

2006-01-14 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, I have an dual head video board and two monitors. I am considering to buy a single a second keyboard and mice to have be able to have two users working on the same hardware totally independ from each other. I don't know how i could manage in order to get something like two n-upple like

portmap daemon

2006-01-19 Thread Gustavo Rios
I have been playing around with openbsd portmap. I am confused about the fact that if a program is registered above port 1024 any local user may remove it, right? Does it sound good from a security point of view? PS: Sorry if i seem stupid, but it is really strange for me.

Re: portmap daemon

2006-01-20 Thread Gustavo Rios
Thanks for your feedbadk! I have some daemons that only comunicate by TCP. I would like to be able to make indirect call to the local portmap daemon for calling my tools. Reading the RFC 1831 says (in the context of indirect calls): the portmap comunicate with the remote program using UDP. Could

data sctructures

2006-02-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
i saw openbsd uses red-black trees inside. I could not figure it out a motivation for not using AVL, SPL or even something based on I could not figure what would it be the best/average/worst cost, i.e., O(f(n)) for those method above. Thanks a lot for yo

Re: data sctructures

2006-02-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
2006/2/8, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > > i saw openbsd uses red-black trees inside. I could not figure it out a > > motivation for not using AVL, SPL or even something based on > >

Re: data sctructures

2006-02-08 Thread Gustavo Rios
? Any suggestions? Thanks once more. 2006/2/8, Claudio Jeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 06:47:15PM -0200, Gustavo Rios wrote: > > 2006/2/8, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > > > > > > > On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Gustavo Rios wr


2006-02-21 Thread Gustavo Rios
I was wondering what is the state of art in SMP technologies ? I would like to know how close is OpenBSD to it? Thanks in advance.

integrating windows client and server with openbsd servers

2006-02-24 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am in need to make windows and openbsd machines to live together and happy. I have kerberos, nis, storage server in openbsd and would like to them to server windows clients and servers. I have users on my nfs openbsd server and my users are on a nis server too. One very important th

Some benefit from ... ?

2006-02-27 Thread Gustavo Rios
I am using OBSD for about 5 years now. I am need to write massive parallel applications and the traditional approach (fork/threaded app) is not an alternative due to performance issues. I wonder if the event driven approach by is of use? Any one here using it? Specially with

serial console

2006-02-28 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey folks, i am trying to set my desktop serial console in order to be able to have serial access to my soekris box. I wonder how should i configure my local (desktop box) serial to do it? I known, the FAQ does not explain what i need: Here is what i am trying : # stty -f /dev/tty00 rows 24 # s

Re: 80x50 console res but .. clean font

2006-02-28 Thread Gustavo Rios
Just my opnion, only that: When used linux slackware, it was very beautifull to boot in 1280x1024 on console and have a nice bitmamp linux logo printed on the left upper side of the screen. The utility of such? In fact it is useless from a funcionality perspective. But it was very charmy. I woul

Dell Precision 370 Workstation

2005-05-06 Thread Gustavo Rios
Does anybody have such a hardware? What is your experience with it and OBSD? I mean: stability, performance, etc.

DocBook and OBSD man pages

2005-05-06 Thread Gustavo Rios
Hey, i wonder if there is a docbook template for those that would like to write OpenBSD manpages. I know about there is a template in /usr/share/ but it's not docbook. May someone send a hint/tip on this matter.

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