Malformed request shuts down httpd

2014-11-28 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
Hello! I know a lot is happening to httpd lately, so maybe this is not an issue anymore. I've noticed that a malformed HTTP request such as $ printf 'GET /file\r\n\r\n'| nc myhost 80 doesn't just silently fail, but rather shuts down httpd. My /etc/httpd.conf is minimal: server default {listen

Re: Malformed request shuts down httpd

2014-11-28 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
Thanks for all the replies. Ville, I'm using -release, on the i386 architecture... inside a VPS. I can gather from the replies that indeed httpd is changing quite fast right now, so it doesn't seem very useful to report on -release. (In fact, apologies for my question a few days ago on the Last

Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-----.

2014-12-03 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
Greetings! I'm trying to take care of the warnings I get in my daily insecurity output, and the one persisting is: Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-. where X is basically all of fd[0-9]*, rd*, sd*, vnd* and wd*. I tried chmod 600, as suggested somewhere on the In

Re: Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-----.

2014-12-03 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
> It must be root.operator and the mode must NOT include user-readable, > user-writable, or group-readable. Thanks, Mike, but isn't that achieved by chmod 600? And yet I get Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw---. in the next daily insecurity output. Maybe I don't know

Re: Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-----.

2014-12-04 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
> chgrp operator /dev/X Thanks. I tried it but I now get Disk /dev/X is user root, group operator, permissions brw---. Clearly I can just let it be, but it's puzzling, particularly as it happens right after a fresh install. Any other suggestions will be welcome. Thanks again, Ezequie

Re: Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-----.

2014-12-04 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
> how about MAKEDEV(8)? > cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV all Thanks, Ben! That took care of everything in one fell swoop. I first fixed it manually with chgrp operator, as recommended by Mike, and reverting to 644, as pointed out by Miod. It is interesting I need to do this under KVM but not under Virtual

Re: DigitalOcean's BSD debut is FreeBSD only

2014-12-22 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
I should mention that RamNode offers OpenBSD -release without the need to upload any images: you can choose OpenBSD i386 or amd64 from the pre-loaded CD images for KVM servers. I have to run `cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV all` after installation, though [*], to avoid getting daily insecurity reports. (Thank

SSL working with nginx, not with httpd. Any ideas?

2015-03-14 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
Greetings! For some reason I'm able to set up SSL support for my domain using nginx, but not httpd. I have combined my certificates like this: # cat ssl.crt ca.pem > /etc/ssl/server.crt However, if I stop nginx and start httpd I get: $ curl -I https://ezequiel-g

Re: SSL working with nginx, not with httpd. Any ideas?

2015-03-14 Thread Ezequiel Garzon
Hi, Hugo! > Are yuo sure that's right? I don't see the "ssl" keyword anywhere in the > docs I see what you're saying... I'm using 5.6-release, which is really not recommended for httpd as it's moving quite fast. I wonder if that would fix it. > You also seem to be missing TLS certificate/key i