i have a proxy server (4.4 amd64 + squid) with foreign ip addresses in
routing table.
# uname -a
OpenBSD proxy.cs.intra 4.4 GENERIC#1021 i386
# netstat -nr -f inet
Routing tables
DestinationGatewayFlags Refs Use Mtu Prio Iface
2009/2/25 Claudio Jeker :
> man netstat(1) and look what the flags mean.
> UGHD, up, gateway, host, dynamic. This route got created because of an
> ICMP control packet or TCP PMTU and is normaly only valid for a certain
> time.
Thanks, Claudio.
I knew it was "DYNAMIC", i didn't know how it was cr
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Josh Grosse wrote:
> On 2014-08-15 10:39, Scott Bonds wrote:
>> ...I'm running owncloud and a bunch of other (no doubt less secure)
>> software
> On June 29, there was a 5.5-stable update to www/owncloud to release 6.0.4
> to fix a security issue.
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Wong Peter wrote:
> *Routing Table* (route show | more)
> Destination Gateway Flags Interface
> default UGS tun0
> (PPPOE IP address) UH tun0
should'n be your default gateway your external modem,
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Zé Loff wrote:
> Are you forwarding packets between interfaces?
> $ sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
modem is responding (to internal LAN, I suppose), so it must enabled,
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
int_if with two ip addresses in two differents lans (,
more aliases in the external interfaces
nat rules: every 10 internals ip use an external address for the nat.
everything works fine, except for the second internal ip address. ip
int_if with two ip addresses in two differents lans (,
more aliases in the external interfaces
nat rules: every 10 internals ip use an external address for the nat.
everything works fine, except for the second internal ip address. ip
i think this is a pf's bug:
short description:
internal interface with two different ip's in two different lans:
They're used as gateway from the two lans.
nat rules: every 10 ip's use a different public ip.
everithing works fine for the first lan, with
rted: uid 0 pid 12206 State Creations: 2249 ]
Second LAN:
@26 nat on bnx0 inet from - to any ->
[ Evaluations: 20Packets: 0 Bytes: 0
States: 0 ]
[ Inserted: uid 0 pid 12206 State Creations: 0 ]
Cristiano Deana - FreeCRI
, and with a table.
Nothing change in nat rules.
Cristiano Deana - FreeCRIS
"Ho iniziato a usare FreeBSD perche' m$ usava me. ed e' spiacevole"
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:23 AM, M. Feenstra wrote:
Does something like this exist? Or maybe, is there a better way of
dealing with this?
it's EXACTLY what you want.
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
On 6/29/09 9:58 AM, Rod Whitworth wrote:
it's EXACTLY what you want.
They don't say they do pf on their webpage.
Yes, it does.
A default installation use a standard "firewall_up" on server side, in
while in the client it use pf, or iptable or whatever O.S. is supporting.
On Nov 15, 2007 7:06 PM, Piet Slaghekke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> while: Expression Syntax.
are you using ksh shell?
if not:
# ksh
# while read uid; do userdel $uid; done < userlist.txt
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
On Nov 21, 2007 10:48 AM, Kafriki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok here is a user with full details: (this is in plain text, hope it's more
> readable)
> cat.cat:$2a$07$aYgatzjxAULHQmmZkjmvteGEaO8Ie8geMoUfhl7AAzKi.WeRhuoA6:10006:20::0:0:Pussy
> Cat:/smbhome/student_homedirs/cat.cat:/bin/ksh
2006/12/19, C. L. Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> pfctl -vvsr
> verbose, verbose, show, rules. Refer to pfctl(8).
saruman:~# pfctl -wsr
NOT wsr but vvsr (v v s r)
Refer to pfctl(8).
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
Hi all,
i can't find any reference about max memory in openbsd, only some
questions about it (from me and others).
i tried with 4.0 i386 and amd64 and it seems i have no luck to see all
my memory (4G).
i also tried the patch who someone post the link but it doesn't work.
so, just two question:
2006/12/23, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> i tried with 4.0 i386 and amd64 and it seems i have no luck to see all
> my memory (4G).
From http://www.openbsd.org/plus40.html
"Implemented separate pmap for PAE i386 machines, allows for support for
machines with more than 4G RAM. Not enab
2007/1/30, John Brahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I have net.ip.forwarding=1 and my pf.conf is completely empty right
now. From the client, I can't ping the internet from, but I can from my firewall. Is there anything special I
have to do to route private networks? Here's the ipv
i have a openbsd 4 box with squid-transparent.
it seems like it have poors performance. investigating with `top' i
saw squid using only 90M of ram, why?
How can i use better my box resource? (Xeon CPU with 4GB of ram)
2007/4/2, carlopmart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Somebody have test it this Dell server under OpenBSD 4.0? this server use SAS
or SATA disk with PERC 5/i controller, are they supported under OpenBSD 4.0?
yes. supported with mfi(4) driver, manageable by bioctl(8) utility
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
2007/7/2, Alden Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > You probably didn't export PKG_PATH into your environment:
Here is all of my exported variables from my .profile. env | grep
PKG_PATH comes back with the ftp site I have set
in my .profile.
2007/7/2, Steve B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm the one who started this thread. If I can block them for an hour without
> a table that would be even better.. I was using the file to store the IP's
> as they were identified by the rule and had been planning to use the
> expiretable package to start c
2007/10/16, Bibby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Where/How can i set the max client number of OpenSSH?
I don't know, but you can do it using pf.
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
2006/6/21, Joco Salvatti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Let's suppose an attacker entered the room where an OpenBSD server is
located in, and by mistake the system administrator has forgotten to
logout the root login session.
So the attacker could enter in single
user mo
2006/7/25, S t i n g r a y <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
now my question how does pf inderstand what smtp or www protocole is ?
less /etc/services
how can i include custom protocoles ? like yahoo messenger, 5001 or msn
messenger 1863 ?
using 5001 and 1863
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD
2006/8/15, Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
does anyone on list have a nagios plugin that will check the status of isakmpd
on an openbsd machine?
I used ike-scan (http://www.nta-monitor.com/tools/ike-scan/) to check
if a vpn is up.
Then a shell script exiting with 0,1 or 2 status if
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Siju George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I plan to upgrade from 4.3 to 4.4 using bsd.rd.
> I read the upgrade FAQ and came across this variable
> What does this mean?
It's well commented in the faq:
export RELEASEPATH=/usr/rel # where you put t
From http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#PkgFind following URLs:
In the package lists on the OpenBSD website:
http://www.openbsd.org/4.0_packages/";>Packages for OpenBSD 4.0
but: http://www.openbsd.org/4.0_packages/
Not Found
The requested URL /4.0_packages/ was not found on this server.
i have a system (Dell 1950) with 4.0 release.
At boot time (during starting network) i randomly (maybe once every 3
boot) i got:
bnx1: /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/if_bnx.c(2271): Firmware synchronization
timeout! msg_data = 0x01030007
kernel: type 1061382 trap, code=6871
and system stop.
In attach
2006/11/23, Conrad Winchester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I do have one question though and I apologize if people always ask this: At
the end of the install I asked whether I want to run sshd and ntpd by
default - very nice BUT why am I not given the option to turn off Sendmail
at this point? I NEVER u
i have a system (dell 1950) with 4GB ram. OpenBSD (amd64) only detects:
real mem = 3488907264 (3407136K)
avail mem = 2990874624 (2920776K)
bios detects all 4 GB's.
kernel is GENERIC.MP.
Is it possible to use all available memory?
tnx in advance, Cris.
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian Fr
i'm new on OpenBSD. I just installed 3.9 (one week ago sources) and i got this:
$ uname -rs
OpenBSD 3.9
$ su
you are not in group wheel
$ whoami
$ id cris
uid=1000(cris) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)
$ grep cris /etc/passwd
cris:*:1000:0:Cristiano Deana:/home/cris
> $ id cris
> uid=1000(cris) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)
Probably would have essentially identical behavior on any BSD/Linux.
No, in FreeBSD if your group is '0' then you (obviously) are in the
'wheel' group
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
2006/5/2, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
See su(1):
It is not sufficient to change a user's /etc/passwd entry to add them
to the ``wheel'' group; they must explicitly be listed in /etc/group.
Yes, i have seen. The 'strange' thing, IMHO is:
# grep ^%wheel /etc/sudoers
%wheel ALL=(ALL)
2006/5/12, S t i n g r a y <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
how can i find whats wrong ?
check your dns configuration and try:
UseDNS=no in your sshd_config
arp -na
if it's fast means your dns have some problems
Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group
port ftp
man ftp-proxy
Cristiano Deana - FreeCRIS
"Ho iniziato a usare FreeBSD perche' m$ usava me. ed e' spiacevole"
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Philippe NICOLAS
> Anyway is it possible for smtpd to log the IP of the remote server in the
> maillog as sendmail did it ?
I was asking for the same thing.
It's not useful, it's fundamental for any mail server admin. to know:
who got our mail, when and wi
2010/12/20 lilit-aibolit :
> I have a little problem with "route show" command.
netstat -nr
> after I type this command and press Enter on first machine - all is done:
> But if I do it on second machine, output in console and terminal is
> very-very slow,
try `netstat -nr', could be a dns prob
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