On 2017-05-05, Roland Kammerer wrote:
> Today I upgraded to OpenBSD 6.1 and saw that none of the mirrors seem to
> contain packages for mips64el anymore.
> Are they still building?
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2017-05-19, Roland Kammerer wrote:
>> > Today I upgraded to OpenBSD 6.1 and saw that none of the mirrors seem to
>> > contain packages for mips64el anymore.
>> >
>> > Are they still building?
>> Yes.
> Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ;-).
Yes, the packages are finished. They should
Say you use unbound(8) as a validating resolver. And you use IPv6
ULA private address space on your network and you have configured
stub zones in unbound(8) to resolve your private host names.
Name resolution works fine, but reverse resolution does not. WTF?
To save you the hours I wasted on th
On 2017-05-25, myml...@gmx.com wrote:
> fdisk -iy -g sd0 (I left off the "-b 960" because this is not a
> bootable partiton)
Back in March, Eric Huiban noticed this:
| i just performed some remote connection... recreating GPT with an .i EFI
| boot partition. The softraid is now 2.7TiB... Grum
Between the vesa(4) and wsfb(4) X11 video driver, are there any
advantages one has over the other?
I have a brand new laptop (Kaby Lake) whose integrated graphics
chipset isn't yet supported by inteldrm(4)/intel(4).
vesa(4) works if you remember to enable machdep.allowaperture.
And since the mach
On 2017-07-07, Kaya Saman wrote:
> I'm running current (6.1 GENERIC.MP#99 amd64) and keep getting this
> message when trying to start ntp from @ports:
> ntpd 4.2.8p10@1.3728-o Fri Jun 2 02:18:56 UTC 2017 (1): Starting
> mlockall(): Cannot allocate memory
> fatal out of memory (32 bytes)
On 2017-07-07, Kaya Saman wrote:
>>> ntpd 4.2.8p10@1.3728-o Fri Jun 2 02:18:56 UTC 2017 (1): Starting
> The exact problem is that the service doesn't start... I have disabled
> the ntpd from base in rc.conf then execute the rc.d script and no
> service?? - just the error above.
> The servi
On 2017-07-18, tomr wrote:
> In playing with vmd, I'm unable to get the guest's ntpd to sync to its
> upstream ntp (whether that's the host ntpd or poot.ntp.org). The guest
> is losing about 1 second for every 2 that pass.
To build a bridge between this question and Mike's reply:
This problem ha
On 2017-07-19, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> I got myself a new toy, Ubiquiti Networks - EdgeRouter Lite. I am a bit
> confused about packages for Octeon. I don't see any neither for 6.1
> release nor for 6.1 snapshots.
Use the mips64 packages. It's actually explained in INSTALL.octeon.
On 2017-07-18, Radoslav_Mirza wrote:
> To congratulate myself for 2 years of not smoking I want to buy a new medium
> to high end laptop and install only OpenBSD on it.
> Does anyone run OpenBSD on a brand new laptop with good support?
I recently treated myself to a current (5th gen) Thinkpad
On 2017-08-19, Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> Yes, I have double-checked, this is what is shown in the Web GUI.
>> "Authentication PassPhrase Settings" : "WPA-Personal"
>> "WPA Mode" : "WPA2 Only"
>> "Cipher Type" : "TKIP"
> Please set Cipher Type to 'AUTO' or 'AES'. Then it should work.
> TKIP is u
On 2017-08-16, Norman Golisz wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to get my USB headset (Plantronics C310)
> to work.
> I can't hear anything, nor does the microphone work. I fiddled with
> different mixerctl settings to no avail, and I'm not even sure my
> headset had been detected at all, as
On 2017-09-02, "C. L. Martinez" wrote:
>> > bind index \CO sidebar-open
>> >
>> > Problem is with "\CO". It doesn't works under OpenBSD but it works
>> > without problems under FreeBSD 11 or RHEL7/CentOS7.
>> $ stty discard undef; mutt
> Perfect!! .. It is working.. Many thanks Anton.
On 2017-10-09, "Todd C. Miller" wrote:
>> a 0:
>> 1: gtar-1.28p1
>> 2: gtar-1.28p1-static
> Packages with the -static suffix are statically linked and do not
> depend on shared libraries. This means that the binary is not
> affected by changes in the shared libraries, wh
On 2017-10-09, lists+m...@ggp2.com wrote:
> I don't feel this warrants a bug report, but nevertheless feel that this
> behavior is inconsistent with the way dhclient works. I have a vultr
> server running nsd/OpenBSD 6.2, and I suspect that the move to slaacd
> from kernel code in 6.1 is what ha
On 2017-10-18, Solène Rapenne wrote:
> Are you able to fetch /bsd.rd if you use tftp in command line ?
How is this relevant?
Netbooting is inherently machine-dependent. Firmware aside, there
are also at least two OpenBSD bootloader flavors:
* pxeboot (amd64, i386) uses TFTP to load the kernel.
On 2018-05-10, Xiyue Deng wrote:
> I noticed that a few days ago (maybe around Monday) the 6.3 release
> page[1] has updated mips64el package count:
> mips64el: 8254
Sorry, these are indeed ready, but they haven't been uploaded to
the release directory yet.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2018-07-11, Tom Smyth wrote:
> this is an odd one but I have a client that needs to
> migrate some legacy services
> Is there support for ISDN type interfaces in OpenBSD ?
(Once upon a time there was something called isdn4bsd, but I don't
think it was ever officially integrated into Open
On 2018-07-24, Diana Eichert wrote:
> I'm trying to connect to an audio system that only has SPDIF output.
> I looked at man pages but nothing obvious regarding supported audio
> devices with SPDIF input support.
> Anyone have recommendations? Or is it supported?
Your best bet is azalia(4), i
On 2018-07-31, Janne Johansson wrote:
>> I see autri(4) is disabled by default in an amd64 kernel, probably
>> others too, and has been for a very long time.
> Seems like it came over with the initial amd64 port from i386, and noone
> tested it on amd64, so it never got enabled but remained com
On 2018-10-14, Jan Stary wrote:
> Are there any phoneticians running on OpenBSD?
I still haven't read Ladefoged yet, but I use IPA somewhat regularly.
> How do you type the phonetic alphabet in vim?
> Is there a standard keyboard layout for the English part of IPA?
I don't use vim, but the sad
Chris Bennett:
> When I last looked, apparently IPA had two fonts, neither of which
> worked for all the characters. Is this still true?
You don't need extra fonts. IPA is covered both by Deja Vu that
OpenBSD ships as the default TrueType font, as well as xterm's
default bitmap font.
> I have t
On 2018-10-31, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> No idea how ^4 is mapped to ^\, but for some reason it is,
This goes back to the VT220, if not older terminals. Ctrl-3 for
ESC aka ^[ is particularly handy if the Esc key is in some inconvenient
place as on most PC keyboards.
See "Table 3-5 Keys Used to
On 2018-11-01, Tinker wrote:
>> > No idea how ^4 is mapped to ^\, but for some reason it is,
>> See "Table 3-5 Keys Used to Generate 7-Bit Control Characters" in
>> the VT220 Programmer Reference Manual:
>> https://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table3-5.html
> Historial reasons, a ha.
And I'll ve
On 2018-11-05, Joseph Mayer wrote:
> This is how to make OpenBSD's colorls show directories bright blue,
> instead of dark blue which may be too dark to be readable on some
> screens:
This is a general problem with the primitive 8/16-color system from
ECMA-48 ("ANSI colors"). Some text colors o
On 2018-11-10, Steve Williams wrote:
> I have a script that I would like run after all the network is
> configured, daemons started, etc.
> I looked at rc.local, but am not sure what is actually started after the
> rc.local runs.
Let's take a look at /etc/rc:
[[ -f /etc/rc.local ]] &&
On 2018-11-11, Lingyun Zheng wrote:
> There is no "mips64el" directory under
> https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.4/packages/
> Do we have any plan to add it?
Once the packages have finished building, yes.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2018-11-12, Michael Steeves wrote:
> I've updated my system to the latest snapshot, and then upgraded all the
> packages (and rebooted for good measure), but I still see these errors. I
> assume there's no simple fix for this, and I'd need to either file bugs (and
> wait until they're fixed),
On 2020-03-13, "Peter J. Philipp" wrote:
> Any developer working on a riscv port and willing to share their unofficial
> work for possible future collaboration?
I think I'd have heard by now if somebody was, so I'll go out on a
limb and say no, nobody's working on a RISC-V port.
Christian "
On 2020-04-11, Nikita Stepanov wrote:
> Wine for OpenBSD?
At hackathons, we typically ask the French developers to pick out
a wine from the menu, but they are pretty reluctant to take on this
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2020-04-23, Ian Darwin wrote:
> So: I was able to newfs, mount, and use an OpenBSD partition which
> disklabel called 'a' and which had no trace of an fdisk partition around it.
> As Allan pointed out, this is not for booting from - none of those
> fdisk partitions looks very healthy.
On 2020-05-11, Stuart Longland wrote:
> BSD came from the US (University of California), but most of today's
> implementations have been very significantly changed since then.
BSD built on top of AT&T UNIX, which came from Bell Labs in New Jersey.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2020-05-20, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> Is that possible?
umount, dump, newfs, mount, restore
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2020-06-01, Justin Noor wrote:
> Has anyone ever filled a 4TB disk with random data and/or zeros with
> OpenBSD?
> How long did it take?
I don't remember. Hours.
At a plausible 100 MB/s write speed it will take 11 hours.
> What did you use (dd, openssl)? Can you share the command tha
On 2020-06-02, "Darren S." wrote:
> I'm dealing with a VPS on KVM with the disk having been recently
> expanded from 50 >> 80 GB.
> Disklabel shows reasonable total sectors:
> # disklabel sd0
> total sectors: 167772160
> boundstart: 64
> boundend: 115330635
The upper boundary is still set t
On 2020-06-05, Roderick wrote:
>> I'd think that a degausser would also erase the servo tracks which will make
>> the disk irrevocably unusable. If that's what you want then just drill holes
>> through the disk - it's quicker.
> Or perhaps to put it on an induction cooktop?
I always keep a vat
On 2020-06-17, Lévai, Dániel wrote:
> I'm trying to run a script whenever I get a new IP address from my ISP over
> pppoe0. They disconnect me occasionally and the router reconnects then, eg.:
> /bsd: pppoe: GENERIC ERROR: RP-PPPoE: Child pppd process terminated
> /bsd: pppoe0: received unexpect
On 2020-07-14, Ottavio Caruso wrote:
>> > After system update I found lots of 'old' libraries versions
>> > and possibly binaries from previous releases.
>> If you need to ask, just don't remove them. Those files eat no bread,
>> and in some situations, some of the libs may still be in use.
"Theo de Raadt":
> Johan Mellberg wrote:
> > and https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.3/amd64/SHA256.sig
> > (Canada, as I like to take them from different sources). I then ran:
> The format of the .sig files was changed in a very small way, intentionally,
> way back then. You are hitting t
On 2020-08-01, Roderick wrote:
> It is not documented in 4.4BSD. I suppose this is not original BSD?
Public service announcement: The original BSD repository can be
browsed here (converted from SCCS):
Wanna know what those hippies at Berkeley really did?
You can
"Whiskey T.":
> My datacenter installed OpenBSD 6.7 on a new machine:
> # uname -a
> OpenBSD machine name 6.7 GENERIC.MP#182 amd64
> # which gcc
> which: gcc: Command not found.
> configure:3711: checking whether the C compiler works
> configure:3733: ccconftest.c >&5
> ld: error: cann
On 2020-08-19, Doug Moss wrote:
> I think the problem in lcdproc is in the code from this file (port.h)
> https://github.com/lcdproc/lcdproc/blob/master/server/drivers/port.h
> I am out of my depth with this code. I have never even seen these
> calls 'outb' and 'inb'
You're saying this as if y
On 2020-08-27, Andreas Menge wrote:
> I try to wrap my head around why the FAQ
> (https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#softraidFDEkeydisk) says that one
> should create a backup of the keydisk with bs=8192 and skip=1.
> From the FAQ:
> # dd bs=8192 skip=1 if=/dev/rsd1a of=backup-keydisk.i
On 2020-09-24, Jan Stary wrote:
> This is 6.8-beta/amd64 on a Dell Latitude E5570 (dmesg below).
> iwm stopped working, saying
> iwm0: hw rev 0x200, fw ver 34.0.1, address e4:a4:71:40:21:08
> iwm0: fatal firmware error
> iwm0: could not remove MAC context (error 35)
I've been
On 2020-10-05, "Peter N. M. Hansteen" wrote:
> I hadn't looked in a while, but it amazes me that FreeBSD still has
> 32-bit time_t.
Only on FreeBSD/i386. On all other architectures, time_t is int64_t.
See src/sys/*/include/_types.h.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na.
On 2020-10-05, Roderick wrote:
> The source of my confusion with FreeBSD:
> /usr/include/x86/_types.h contains:
>typedef __int32_t __time_t;
>typedef int __int32_t;
$ fgrep time_t /usr/include/x86/_types.h
typedef __int64_t __time_t; /* time()... */
typedef __int32_t
On 2020-10-14, Fernando Gont wrote:
> Set the VL to 30', and the PL to 15'. You could even set the VL to 15',
> and the PL to 7.5', if necessary.
How does this influence the lifetime of privacy addresses?
Even with rad(8)'s defaults, I already need to specify an originating
non-privacy addres
On 2020-10-24, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> Is there a way to interface LPD directly with GUI apps like Chromium,
> mupdf, etc? I mean just to print from GUI menu Print.
Those print menus _should_ offer the option to print to lpr. They
traditionally did. If they don't now, then this is worth examini
On 2019-08-16, Jan Stary wrote:
>> Does that mean openrsync tries to mmap() the entire file?
>> The machine only has 256MB of memory, but it does transfer
>> a test file of 300MB, so that can't be it.
> I forgot about 1GB swap, so that's why it works
> for files up to around 1.2G, but not large
On 2019-09-06, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
>> read x; while [ "$x" != [abc] ]; do echo "Not a, b or c"; break; done
> The shells in the OpenBSD base system do not support matching regular
> expressions with that syntax. You may have been thinking of bash,
Just to head off crazy rumors:
On 2019-10-18, cho...@jtan.com wrote:
> I didn't know [how] ! took movement commands. Thanks. I'll have a play
> with that one.
> It's not quite M-q (it's M not C) but I'm using vi after all.
Since 'q' is unused in nvi, I have this in my .nexrc:
map q !}fmt
Close enough to emacs's M-q.
On 2019-10-18, Nam Nguyen wrote:
>> Since 'q' is unused in nvi, I have this in my .nexrc:
>> map q !}fmt
> I just wanted to add that you can Ctrl-v Enter to produce the ^M at the end.
> This way it inputs and executes the command for you.
> It could be like this if you want it to press Enter
On 2019-11-15, Roderick wrote:
>> ed is included in the ramdisk, but if your use case is using vi to fix a
> I imagine, it is there for using it in scripts.
Interestingly enough, the installer itself does not use ed, as far
as I can tell.
* I pretty regularly use ed to perform some configurat
On 2019-12-01, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> I've tried sanboot for iso, but it fails. I *can* get BOOTX64.EFI to start,
> but it cant find bsd.rd (perhaps BOOTX64.EFI requires tftpd?),
No "perhaps". BOOTX64.EFI uses TFTP to load the kernel, just like
pxeboot does.
With UEFI and PXE I have succes
Christer Solskogen:
> > With UEFI and PXE I have successfully netbooted
> > * amd64 (Thinkpad X1C5) with BOOTX64.EFI after bluhm@'s recent
> > bootdev_dip fix
> Is that already in current?
Yes, it was committed five days ago.
> I now tried having bsd.rd in tftp root
> directory, and BOOTX.E
Dieter Rauschenberger:
> This was serveral years ago before Libressl was invented. Now I wanted
> to decrypt the docs with:
> openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d < FOO.aes256 > FOO
> This did not work. The password did not work anymore.
The default message digest function used for key derivation ch
On 2019-12-08, Stefan Hagen wrote:
> I was browsing around and noticed that there are no files for the SGI
> platform on the mirrors.
OpenBSD/sgi has been discontinued. No 6.6 release was built.
The mips64 CPU architecture remains alive on the octeon platform.
> SGI is mentioned in the 6.6/RE
On 2019-12-20, "Theo de Raadt" wrote:
> well you missed out
> for 6.5 onwards, all you had to was type
> sysmerge
> sysupgrade
I think that was intended to read
> for 6.6 onwards you'll only need sysupgrade
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2020-01-08, "lu hu" wrote:
> are these real issues?
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2020-01-08, Nick Holland wrote:
> Weird stuff happens when Softdeps are working as designed.
To put it simply: Meta-data writes are delayed.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2020-01-30, livio wrote:
> I am unable to achieve decent throughput with a 1 GigE interface
> (Intel I210) on OpenBSD 6.6. When running iperf3 I get around 145Mbit/s.
I get more than 30 Mbytes/s over SSH (!) to an APU2.
$ scp -caes128-...@openssh.com
On 2020-01-30, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:
> All you're doing is benchmarking the speed of iperf on that machine.
I vaguely remember a thread somewhere that concluded that one of
these network benchmark tools degenerated into a benchmark of
gettimeofday(2), which apparently is very cheap on Linux an
On 2020-02-03, Denis wrote:
> Some hosts should be limited in internet access and/or local access or
> simply be restricted in some way because they are untrusted.
> I'm looking for a possibility to isolate untrusted inside LAN using any
> approach applicable. How do people isolate undesirable
Denis, I suspect the fundamental problem is that you don't understand
what VLANs are. There should be a lot of articles about this topic
on the net; maybe somebody here can recommend a good one.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2020-02-05, Janne Johansson wrote:
>> # /etc/hostname.vlan101
>> description 'WLAN attached untrusted hosts'
>> inet vlandev run0
> VLANs and wifi sounds like a non-starter.
Yep, if you're building your access point with OpenBSD.
More generally, though, any A
Xianwen Chen (陈贤文):
> I forgot to report maybe an important piece of information. I use scim
> to type in Chinese. I use the default xdm. Here is my .xsession:
> export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
> export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM
> export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
> export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
> scim -d
I s
Marc Chantreux:
> * is there a way to ask man to deliver pure (non-formatted) text ?
Pipe its output through "col -b".
> * is there a way to introduce a | in vi macros?
Yes, by prefixing it with a ^V character. To enter ^V in vi's input
mode, press control-V twice.
Christian "naddy" Weisg
Marc Chantreux:
> > > * is there a way to ask man to deliver pure (non-formatted) text ?
> > Pipe its output through "col -b".
> what is the gain of using col over fmt ?
It's the designated tool for the job. That fmt also happens to
replace sequences character1-backspace-character2 with chara
On 2020-03-02, Marc Chantreux wrote:
> i felt dumb reading this as i gave a try to the mandoc man. but i just
> double checked:
> man mandoc|col -b|grep -w col
> gives me nothing.
$ man mandoc|col -b|grep -w col
to col(1) -b instead.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2015-09-26, "Todd C. Miller" wrote:
>> As Unbound/nsd are in base now, perhaps it could be easier to get
>> drill in and drop dig ?
> That's a great idea. We'd need to add nslookup(1) and host(1)
> wrappers though.
Vitaly Magerya wrote a ldns-based host(1):
On 2015-09-28, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> What I like about the https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/
> It is intentional that OpenBSD does not have a handbook like FreeBSD.
Oh come on, the OpenBSD FAQ serves the same role as the FreeBSD
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2015-10-07, M Wheeler <6f84c...@refn.co.uk> wrote:
> CD's arrived today UK. Thanks again.
Received mine today in Germany and successfully verified the
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2015-10-21, Joel Rees wrote:
> Is fsync an appropriate way to flush writes to the disk device? In the
> FreeBSD code, it is
> i = ioctl(fd, DIOCGFLUSH);
Dunno, but I'd check what fdisk and disklabel do.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
On 2015-10-27, Jona Joachim wrote:
> Well, specifying 'lp' instead of 'rm' does make it run filters, but the job
> is not sent to the printer, even when I use the port@host format from
> the man page. As soon as I set 'rm', filters are no longer executed.
Yes, that's the way lpd(8) has always wo
Gerald Hanuer:
> Ntpd(8) in current: server ("IP numerical") not being used, FQDN works.
> ### Works as expected.
> server time1.google.com
> ### This does not. ( Numerical of above )
> server
I can confirm this. The bug was introduced with this commit:
On 2015-11-05, Tati Chevron wrote:
> Or to be more general - what is the best way to manage a local
> copy of the distfiles archive?
dpb -F2; clean-old-distfiles
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mips.inka.de
We would like to remove IPsec support for plain DES. (_Not_ 3DES.)
Does anybody still use this?
What could it possibly be required for?
Note that DES provides no security against a determined attacker.
It can be brute-forced in less than a day.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2015-12-08, szs wrote:
> So with letsencrypt here, how about making the main site
> default to https? Is this a good idea or is this a great idea?
I would like it a lot if www.openbsd.org and cvsweb.openbsd.org
switched to https, but I'm not in a position to make it happen.
Much of the discu
When you remove code, it's easy to forget function declarations.
That made me wonder how many orphan prototypes there are that refer
to functions that no longer exist.
There is an intriguing gcc option. I'll quote its description in
full, from the info manual:
`-aux-info FILENAME'
Output to
On 2015-12-16, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> I'm trying to dpb to maintain a small set of packages for a handfull
> of OpenBSD boxes that I run. These boxes will all be single purpose
> servers of some type or another. Many of them will run with limited
> disk space and memory on Soekris hardw
On 2015-12-16, Tati Chevron wrote:
> Our couple of build machines are both fairly standard core i5 boxes with
> 16 gb of RAM, and Corsair SSDs. The RAM seems to make more difference
> than anything else, because you can set the work directory to a ramdisk,
> and do the entire build without touch
There has been zero reaction to this, but I certainly see what looks
to be the same problem: After passing a significant amount of traffic
(hundreds of MBs, I guess), the iked's lose sync, flows and SAs are
in disarray, and it takes a number of minutes before they manage
to sync up again.
On 2015-12-27, Timo Myyrä wrote:
> I noticed issue with mg scroll-up keybinding when "xterm*locale: true" is set
> in
> ~/.Xresources.
> When the above option is set, mg requires that you type C-v C-v to scroll-up
> instead of single C-v. I'm not sure if this is bug or feature.
That would be a
On 2015-12-27, Tati Chevron wrote:
> ^V is traditionally used on UNIX like systems to 'insert the next character
> literally',
Only if the IEXTEN flag is set on the tty. Which should obviously
not be the case (and in fact isn't) when mg is running.
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2016-01-10, Denis Fondras wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to disable CSUM_TCPv4 on em(4) please ?
There is no way to configure this. You would have to patch the
But why would you want to do this in the first place?
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber na...@mip
On 2015-12-27, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
>> I noticed issue with mg scroll-up keybinding when "xterm*locale: true" is
>> set in
>> ~/.Xresources.
>> When the above option is set, mg requires that you type C-v C-v to scroll-up
>> instead of single C-v
On 2016-01-10, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
>>> I noticed issue with mg scroll-up keybinding when "xterm*locale: true" is
>>> set in
>>> ~/.Xresources.
>>> When the above option is set, mg requires that you type C-v C-v to scroll-up
I was wondering about the status of OpenBSD's vmm(4) hypervisor.
Is it ready for some limited use, say, testing a port in an i386
VM on an amd64 host?
(TL;DR: nope.)
There's little information, so I decided to give it a try after
reading the various vmm(4), vm.conf(5), vmd(8), vmctl(8), virtio(4)
On 2016-01-20, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> So, yeah, interesting but not useful yet.
That came across all wrong.
I already sent some words in private, but I would like to publicly
apologize to Mike, too. What I wrote was dismissive of his work
in a way that was entirely uncalled for.
On 2016-01-23, Pedro Caetano wrote:
> The checksum errors are visible in tcpdump.
> pcaetano@soekris $ > doas tcpdump -nnvvr badchecksum.cap
> 23:18:56.258991 > S [bad tcp cksum
> e818! -> d08e] 2129156372:2129156372(0) win 16384 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wsca
On 2016-01-23, "Bryan C. Everly" wrote:
> I just noticed that the VAX packages directory was missing on
> openbsd.cs.toronto.edu and the other mirrors I checked. I searched the
> MARC.info archives and didn't see anything announcing that the VAX was
> going away but perhaps I missed something?
On 2016-01-23, Bryan Everly wrote:
> I hope to add some of my time on these less popular architectures to
> try and fix that.
It's the comparatively popular platforms like powerpc and sparc64
that are in dire need of help if OpenBSD is not to turn into an
amd64-only platform.
I obviously can't
On 2016-01-24, "Christoph R. Murauer" wrote:
> Quotes taked from Christian Weisgerber :
>> It's the comparatively popular platforms like powerpc and sparc64
>> that are in dire need of help if OpenBSD is not to turn into an
>> amd64-only platform.
That w
On 2016-01-30, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> NULL, ahci_intel_attach },
> + NULL, ahci_intel_attach },
So this means that switc
> I have following error:
> cat archive.tar | xz -zf --format=xz -9e --threads=2 - > archive.tar.xz
> xz: (stdin): Cannot allocate memory
You are using the most extreme compression setting, which requires
about 674 MB per thread according to the xz(1) man page. This
causes you to bum
On 2016-01-30, Lampshade wrote:
> xz: Adjusted the number of threads from 2 to 1 to not exceed the memory
> usage limit of 1600 MiB
> 1600 is clearly larger than 674*2=1348
A closer reading of the man page reveals that memory consumption
is even higher in multi-threaded mode.
In multi-thr
On 2016-01-31, LÉVAI Dániel wrote:
> BTW, is there a difference between writing 'inet6 autoconf' or 'rtsol'
> in /etc/hostname.pppoe0?
If you read /etc/netstart, you can see that "rtsol" translates to
ifconfig $if up
ifconfig $if inet6 autoconf
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
On 2016-02-06, Lampshade wrote:
> Feb 6 17:57:25 host ntpd[7585]: peer now valid
> Feb 6 17:58:17 host ntpd[9279]: adjusting local clock by 9.096751s
> Feb 6 18:02:02 host ntpd[9279]: adjusting local clock by 7.971861s
> I don't think that clock is adjusted "by" that values.
On 2016-02-07, Andy Lemin wrote:
> So I'm deeply saddened to realise that if the MP networking commits do not
> make it in to get us above 4Gbps in 5.9 we will have to say goodbye to
> OpenBSD for good
Just install a snapshot and test how it performs in your environment.
There will not be any si
On 2016-02-08, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> I'm trying to get DPB to use the _pbuild user, but I'm failing. I
> managed, with "-D FETCH_USER=_pfetch", to use the _pfetch user for
> fetching distfiles, but DPB insists on using my personal user account
> for actual building, even though I s
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