Re: sasyncd and ISAKMP SA

2006-08-30 Thread Hans-Joerg Hoexer
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 08:23:39PM +0200, Floroiu, John Williams wrote: > > does sasyncd enable the IPsec failover gateways to also share the ISAKMP SA > (so that DPD exchanges can proceed despite failures)? the ISAKMP SA is not > explicitly mentioned in the help page (and is actually distinct fro

sasyncd and ISAKMP SA

2006-08-08 Thread Floroiu, John Williams
hi, I was recently looking for IPsec failover functionality and come across the sasyncd daemon. didn't have time to try it out, but maybe someone could give me a brief answer to the following question: does sasyncd enable the IPsec failover gateways to also share the ISAKMP SA (so that DPD exchan