groups update

2023-06-05 Thread WATANABE Takeo
0 C Japan P Niigata F 4 times a year O Echigo BSD Users Group M U N *BSD

groups update

2023-04-11 Thread Jan Prunk
0 C Slovenia P T Ljubljana F First Thursday of each month at 8:00PM O BSD users group Slovenia I Jan Prunk M U N *BSD

groups update

2021-02-05 Thread Sha'ul
0 Canada BC Vancouver Irregular VanBUG Sha'ul ben Avraham Subscribe OpenBSD, FreeBSD

Re: groups update

2019-12-09 Thread Ingo Schwarze
Hello, please ignore this submission. The content is wrong: no such group exists in Qazvin, and the email address given on "M" line bounces. Besides, the email is a forgery and did not originate from the person given in the From: header. Yours, Ingo Faraz Vahedi wrote on Sun, Dec 08, 2019 a

groups update

2019-12-08 Thread Faraz Vahedi
0 C Iran P Qazvin T Qazvin F Last Thursday of the month O Qazvin BSD User Group (QBUG) I Farid M U N *BSD

BSD User Groups update

2019-10-18 Thread Tom Murphy
Hi, I was informed back on the 11th March 2019 from Sam Smith that the Manchester BSD user group ended a few years ago. Attached is a diff to groups.dat to remove it from the list. Is this OK? Thanks, Tom Index: build/groups.dat ===