Re: Keeping -Stable updated

2012-06-20 Thread Tomas Bodzar
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 1:33 AM, thunderlight1 wrote: > Hi! > I'm quite new to OpenBSD, and just installed 5.1 release which I upgraded > to -stabel according to instruction described on section 5 in the FAQ. > My question is: > Do I need to run all the steps specified on section 5 in the FAQ each

Re: Keeping -Stable updated

2012-06-19 Thread thunderlight1
HI! Thank you for your quick answer. Isn't the patch- the same branch as stable-branch, which is the one I'm using for my production system? According to the FAQ section 5 ( ) it says: " *-Stable* is based on *-release*, and is a branch from the main developmen

Re: Keeping -Stable updated

2012-06-19 Thread Brian W.
If this is a production server I think you want to track the patch branch? On Jun 19, 2012 4:41 PM, "thunderlight1" wrote: > Hi! > I'm quite new to OpenBSD, and just installed 5.1 release which I upgraded > to -stabel according to instruction described on section 5 in the FAQ. > My question is: >