Re: Biased trunking

2006-03-12 Thread HEINER Péter
Shit, don't reply to this. I don't know why trunk stuck in the void I affectionately call my brain. I have the answer, thanks all for enduring my stupidity. Hi all, I'd like to be able to trunk 2 external interfaces and still have some control over which connections choose which route. The 2

Biased trunking

2006-03-12 Thread HEINER Péter
Hi all, I'd like to be able to trunk 2 external interfaces and still have some control over which connections choose which route. The 2 connections are from 2 different ISPs, one is 4Mbit/4Mbit, the other 10Mbit/10Mbit, the nominally faster tends to be slow for international traffic, however