chroot x11 via Xephyr

2021-05-03 Thread u/Rogu3_AI
Hi, I have successfully populated a chroot with 69 filesets. You can refer to to know what I'm talking about. My question is after successfully entering my chroot environment how can I forward x11 apps to to the hosts Xephyr window. I

Re: ksh manpage lies

2015-04-27 Thread u
> Careful with your allegations, ok? I apologize. I wonder if RANDOM can refer to srand_deterministic.

ksh manpage lies

2015-04-26 Thread u
Hi, man ksh says: RANDOM A random number generator. Every time RANDOM is referenced, it is assigned the next random number in the range 0-32767. By default, arc4random(3) is used to produce values. If the variable RANDOM is assigned a valu

Re: Bitcoin client for OpenBSD?

2012-10-15 Thread Dave U. Random
If you can post the diff here I'll pick it up that way. Thank you. > On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:12:35PM +, Anonymous wrote: > > Is there a bitcoin client for OpenBSD or is anyone porting one? Seems > like OpenBSD would be a good OS to host a client considering there are > viruses and exploits

Re: What is wrong with this pf config

2011-12-27 Thread Dave U. Random
> I wish they would ban you from this list already. I'm sick of seeing > your reply to every thread when you never have anything constructive to > say. Then killfile the stupid sonofabitch like the rest of us and stop quoting him. Then we won't have to see his posts. > > > To our sweethearts and

Longsoon/Godson MIPS boxes, where to buy?

2011-12-27 Thread Dave U. Random
Are the Longson/Godson MIPS boxes available over the counter yet? If so where is the best place to order one? Thanks.

Re: OpenBSD 5.0 released Nov 1, 2011

2011-11-01 Thread Dave U. Random
Congrats and thanks to you and the entire OpenBSD team!

Re: Most secure Operating-System?

2011-09-06 Thread Dave U. Random
> > Wide architecture support (x86, x64, mainframes) > > AFAIK it doesn't run on current mainframes. Only IBM's various OS's > run on mainframes, as IBM has a corner on that mainframe market. Not true. Several Linux distros run and are supported on mainframes. Debian, SuSE, Fedora, RedHat etc. T

Podzemni labirint Ravne najsigurnija lokacija u BiH

2011-01-05 Thread Nova senzacija u Visokom
B PODZEMNI LABIRINT bRAVNEb NAJSIGURNIJA LOKACIJA U BIH B Direktor agencije bDatiDb Gaibija DatiD iz Sarajeva je proteklih dana boravio u Bosanskoj dolini piramida i izvrE!io preliminarna mjerenja razliD itih vrsta energetskih zraD enja u podzemnom labirintu bRavneb uz pomoc Genius-a

please find notes our truck turntable

2010-08-25 Thread U-TURN-TRUCK
Si vous ne visualisez pas cette page, cliquez ici Gagnez de la surface pour votre stockage avec notre plateforme tournante pour aire de manoeuvre U Turn Truck est une plateforme tournante permettant de supprimer les aires de manoeuvre Les avantages de U Turn Truck : Faire demi

Beograd, Medakovic: Direktna prodaja stanova, bez provizije, DOKUMENTACIJA.

2010-05-14 Thread 1100e/m2 u Beogradu.
- This mail is a HTML mail. Not all elements could be shown in plain text mode. - DIREKTNA PRODAJA STANOVA - BEZ PROVIZIJE kompletna dokumentacija Beograd, Medakovic, Radoslava Boksica 18 SUT+PR+I+II+PK useljenje septembar 2010 1100e/m2 ? AKCIJA DO KRAJA MAJA !!! Novogradnja, kljuc u ruke