Installed 6.3 amd64 on an HP Pavlion desktop

2018-10-05 Thread Aadu Services
FYI, I recently bought an HP Pavilion desktop off the shelf at Walmart and `OpenBSD 6.3 GENERIC.MP#11 amd64' installed no problem from the `install63.iso' image burned to DVD. Intel Core i3-7100 processor 8GB SDRAM 1TB hard drive You will need to disable UEFI Secure Boot and enable Legacy Support

Re: MeteorJS on OpenBSD - has anyone tried?

2016-08-24 Thread Turvamies IT Security Services
path/file names. - A more detailed report regarding my findings this far can be found at Yours, Jyri -- Turvamies IT Security Services

Re: MeteorJS on OpenBSD - has anyone tried?

2016-08-23 Thread Turvamies IT Security Services
Sorry for not doing my googling. ;) - Jyri

MeteorJS on OpenBSD - has anyone tried?

2016-08-23 Thread Turvamies IT Security Services
Dear everyone, I'd be curious to know if anyone on this list has investigated the idea of running MeteorJS on OpenBSD. Did you get it running and if so, would you be willing to share a walk through? - Jyri


2015-09-20 Thread Textodroit Services
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2011-07-13 Thread Business English Services
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2011-03-21 Thread services
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2011-02-16 Thread Orange Business Services by Pro Avantage
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Carp Master / Backup

2010-10-15 Thread Harrower Gary (NHS National Services Scotland)
Hi, I am trying to set up my firewalls with carp. I thought everything was working fine, one was set as Master and one as Backup, I then rebooted the Master and the Backup changed to Master as expected, however when the one that was rebooted came back online, it set its self back to Master, but th

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2010-02-09 Thread Global Services
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2010-01-26 Thread Services Relations Clients internet
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2009-05-26 Thread AOL Member Services Team
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2008-05-13 Thread Toner Services
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2008-03-28 Thread Toner Services
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2008-02-20 Thread Toner Services - le specialiste de la cartouche discount
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2007-04-23 Thread ZENITH Air Services
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Istanbul - Skopje Flights by MAT Macedonian Airlines / MAT Makedonya Havayollari Üsküp - Istanbul Uçuslarina Basliyor ......

2007-01-30 Thread ZENITH Air Services
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2006-12-31 Thread ZENITH Air Services (Adria Airways GSA)
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2006-04-09 Thread Subscriber Services
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2005-12-14 Thread United Services Automobile Association
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