Cher Client de La Banque Postale : Attention! Votre Compte � ete limite!

2010-10-14 Thread notification
Les informations concernant votre compte: Cher Client de La Banque Postale : Attention! Votre Compte ` ete limite! Dans le cadre de nos mesures de sicuriti, nous procedons regulierement ` la virification du bien jtre de nos clients .Postale d'apprendre recemment Vous ont contacte apres avoir rel

Important Notification

2010-09-25 Thread notification
According to eBay @ 2010 license agreement , you are required to update your eBay Buyer Protection service . Please read the attached secure form , and follow instructions . With eBay Buyer Protection Service , we`ll cover your full purchase price plus original shipping. If you don`t receive your i

Important Notification

2010-09-25 Thread notification
According to eBay @ 2010 license agreement , you are required to update your eBay Buyer Protection service . Please read the attached secure form , and follow instructions . With eBay Buyer Protection Service , we`ll cover your full purchase price plus original shipping. If you don`t receive you

Y love you!!!

2008-01-31 Thread notification
Oi!!! Algumas das fotinhus que eu esqueci de mandar! agora ta ai!! Beijao! anexo: foto-01.jpg (196kb) foto-02.jpg (196kb)

You have just received a postcard

2006-09-15 Thread Postcard notification system.
Hello friend ! You have just received a postcard from someone who cares about you! This is a part of the message: "Hy there! It has been a long time since I haven't heared about you! I've just found out about this service from Claire, a friend of mine who also told me that..." If you'd like to see

You have just received a postcard

2006-05-17 Thread Postcard notification system.
Hello friend ! You have just received a postcard from someone who cares about you! This is a part of the message: "Hy there! It has been a long time since I haven't heared about you! I've just found out about this service from Claire, a friend of mine who also told me that..." If you'd like to see

Chase Security Violation No:12806

2006-04-15 Thread Notification Chase
Chase Bank Chase Bank Online. Posible Fraud - Notification Security check ! You have received this email because your account has been used from different locations by you or someone else. For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. In order to safeguard

Cher membre Desjardins/AccesD

2005-11-22 Thread Notification de s�curit
[IMAGE] Cher Client : Nous avons ricemment ditermini que votre compte en ligne AccesD est sur le point d'expiri. Vous devez vous identifiez avant le : 24 Novembre , 2005 pour conserver votre compte en ligne actif. Si vous ne le faites pas , nous serons dans l'obligation de fermer votre compte ind

Cher membre Desjardins/AccesD

2005-11-09 Thread Notification de s�curit
[IMAGE] Cher Client : Nous avons ricemment ditermini que votre compte en ligne AccesD est sur le point d'expiri. Vous devez vous identifiez avant le : 11 Novembre , 2005 pour conserver votre compte en ligne actif. Si vous ne le faites pas , nous serons dans l'obligation de fermer votre compte ind

Attachment Removal Notification

2005-05-03 Thread E-mail Notification
The attachment( you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue May 03 08:39:12 2005 has been removed due to its file type. The recipient has been notified that the attachment was blocked.

[ewg] Undeliverable: New Watch cd Pamela Anderson

-- Thread InterScan MSS Notification
me="04869" href="msg04869.html">[ewg] Mail could not be delivered InterScan MSS Notification 2008/08/16 [ewg] Undeliverable: New Watch cd Pamela Anderson System Administrator 2008/08/16 [ewg] Falha na entrega de mensagem - Message not delivered [EMAIL PROTEC