Power off host at the specified time using "shutdown"
# shutdown -ph 1501161730
other BSDs
# shutdown -p 1501161730
Why? Will we sync?
man shutdown 8 in OpenBSD
-h The system is halted at the specified time when shutdown execs halt(8).
-p The
Only one board supported in current with two Gigabit ports ,Compulab UTILITE
box ?
Anyone can make sure?
Does Amv7 support sunxi SoC router board Lamobo R1 (BPi-R1)?
Lamobo R1 (BPi-R1)
1. Allwinner A20 sunxi SoC
2 .FIVE 10/100/1000 Ethernet port
3. native 2.5 SATA disk port
4. about $75
BPI- R1 - a 300Mbps Wireless N Router with both wired and wireless network,
Dual Core-CPU, 1G-RAM,
@163.com server eat some lines of my original email
full message should be--
To overcome this annoyance, simply change the `moresz' environment
variable to a large value (30 or larger
To overcome this annoyance, simply change the `moresz' environment
variable to a large value (30 or larger will do):
PMON> set moresz 30
The bootloader will attempt to load the kernel fi
Found similar problems,
big dimension images webpage cause CPU grow up to 95% in Xorg process in recent
but 5.3 release Xorg process only use 3% of CPU
how to repeat the problem
while using firefox browsing a web page
this page have only thress pictures
1. 4000x2448 1,521,707 bytes
I want to auto clean old distfiles no longer associated with new ports source.
# /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/dpb -D HISTORY-ONLY
dpb begin fetch all distfiles and build packages!
I realize mistype PARAM HISTORY-ONLY instead of HISTORY_ONLY
then I press ctrl+c to break it.
and then
# /usr/
how to auto clean old distfiles no longer associated with new ports source.
any clue?
Should chmod(1) "Absolute modes" section rewrite, adding some text as follows?
Value Permission Directory Listing
0 No read, no write, no execute ---
1 No read, no write, execute --x
2 No read, write, no execute -w-
3 No read, write, execute -wx
1. UsePrivilegeSeparation default sshd_config and manual not sync in current.
2. why ``yes''? but not 'yes' or "yes" in manual.
# less /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep UseP
UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox # Default for new installations.
# man sshd_config
Says The default is ``yes''
kern.version=OpenBSD 5.3-current (GENERIC.MP) #71: Sat Apr 13 17:21:57 MDT 2013
only add after last line
Match Group share
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/chroot/
FAQ 8.1 - I forgot my root password...
Mount the partitions. Both "/" and /usr will need to be mounted read-write.
Assuming they are on separate partitions (as they should be), the following
will work:
# fsck -p / && mount -uw /
# fsc
At 2013-03-04 20:13:46,"Paul de Weerd" wrote:
>Exactly! So what is the point in summing up the sizes of a bunch of
>files ? I am 197 cm tall, my house number is 34, my zipcode is 1318,
>I have 2 brothers and 1 sister .. sum is 1552. Great, but now what ?
>This total value does not correspond
for example
there is only two file in /home/test/
# ls -l /home/test/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2 Mar 3 23:29 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3 Mar 3 23:29 b.txt
So the total size of all files ( a.txt + b.txt ) should be 5 Bytes.
How to get total size ( 5 Bytes ) directly but not t
xterm vi syslog.conf mouse copy & paste: tab characters become spaces
in xterm
#vi /etc/syslog.conf
mouse copy and paste one line to new line, tab characters turn into spaces.
syslog.conf(5) said
The selector field is separated from the action field by one or more tab
1. h
Only after OpenNTPD server log(/var/log/daemon) display "ntpd [] clock is
now synced"
NTP client can now sync time successful.
Should manual in ntpd & ntpd.conf mention this for hurry man?
OpenNTPD server in local net(
Windows 7 client sync time successful from 192.168.0.
1. line 3557
p opt[i++] = 0; /* TBD */
2. see line (begin with ^L)
compare to line (insert empty line)
download files from ftp.openbsd.org or ftp.usa.openbsd.org
Jun 28 & Jul 1 snapshot files
found man52.tgz base52.tgz etc52.tgz game52.tgz hash did not match the content
in SHA256 file.
bsd.* & x* files hash match SHA256
local files hash of Jul 1 amd64 snapshots
0. When install OpenBSD, in the installing procedure, run0 always fetch ip
when booting OpenBSD
Starting network
run0:nolink ..sleeping
but sometimes get ip successful
if sleeping
login with root
# sh /etc/netstart
run0:nolink ..sleeping
then I unplug
/etc/master.passwd user database
/etc/passwd a Version 7 format password file
/etc/ptmp lock file for the passwd database
/etc/shells list of approved shells
/var/tmp/pw.XX temporary copy of the user passwd
I have setup OpenSMTPD + dovecot + roundcube simple mail server.
People can ssh log in to the OpenBSD box, change their password using command
the system account password is also the mail account password.
So, for security reason, how to let the user can only run one command(passwd)
clean install 5.1 amd64 release
# vi /etc/pkg.conf
# pkg_add firefox scim-fcitx
# adduser test
vi /home/test/.xsession
+ export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
+ export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
+ export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"
+ /usr/local/bin/sci
install OpenBSD 5.1 snapshot
reinstall OpenBSD 5.0 release in the same machine
#dmesg output
OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC.MP) #207: Sun Feb 12 09:42:14 MST 2012
RTC BIOS diagnostic error 11
real mem = 4157599744 (3964MB)
avail me
In OpenBSD we can use commands like "jobs" "fg" or something else, but why "man
jobs" "man fg" not work?
and are there anything about "jobs control" in the base Manual?
1. www.openbsd.org is UTC
$OpenBSD: 51.html,v 1.17 2012/03/23 02:04:39 henning Exp $
2. ftp.openbsd.org is MDT
3. mail list is MDT
Changes by: henn...@cvs.openbsd.org 2012/03/22 20:04:39
MDT (C Mountain Daylight Time
Time zone offset: UTC - 6 hours
Can OpenBSD base fulfill the following fuctions?
1. One guy login local machine via userA
2. I remote login the same machine via userA@ssh
3. The guy sit in the front of the machine can see what I see
4. We(local & remote) all can control the terminal via keyboard in the same
time so we ca
Use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR? [whole]
Use (W)hole disk, use the (O)penBSD area, or (E)dit the MBR? [OpenBSD]
I would like empty in Square brackets[ ], user should input w/o/e here, only
Enter should do nothing but repeat last line.
recent snapshot
i386 OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC.MP) #188
amd64 OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC.MP) #207
install OpenBSD amd64 and i386 as normal, default
# pkg_add firefox
# pkg_add scim-fcitx
# pkg_add zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf
only 6 lines in /root/.xinitrc
export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
export QT_IM_MODULE="sci
Install: load OpenBSD onto the system, overwriting whatever may have been
Note that it is possible to leave some partitions untouched in this process,
such as a /home,
but otherwise, assume everything else is overwritten.
NOTE for re-installers: Th
when # startx
the mouse cursor is in the middle of the screen?
why not set mouse cursor in the first xterm window when startx?
some years ago, when port update because found vulnerability and tag "stable"
the "ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/?.?/packages/$arch/";
site will build the latest stable packages there.
these days, when new OpenBSD 5.0 release
We have to cvs -qd anoncvs@anoncvs.*.openbsd.org:/cvs get -rOPENBSD_
symon monitor pf?
Installation notes
symux needs read and write access to its rrdfiles.
symon needs to interface with your kernel. Depending on your host system this
leads to different privilege requirem
how to gain high performance with big memory
amd64 ,OpenBSD 5.0 Release,
machine has big memory = 48G
for example,how to mount memory for /usr/ports file system, letting "make
build" more quickly.
other suggestion? how to tune sysctl.conf file according?
# uname -smrv
OpenBSD 5.0 GENERIC.MP#44 i386
# sysctl | grep power
# cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep power
#hw.allowpowerdown=0# 0=Disable power button shutdown
#machdep.apmhalt=1 # 1=powerdown hack, try if halt -p doesn't work
are you joking?
sorry, no patch with last mail,no program skill with me, poor English.
my country.
other mirror sites are very quick.
2.time wasted in downloading abc.tar.gz from the second/third mirror
but auto deleted after downloaded.
So would the developers consider this function.
Now my work
Filezilla client 3.3.3~ installed in Windows 2003/7 or Mac OX 10.6
Using Filezilla client download all files from
when all files downloaded, check SHA256, found file "bsd" corrupt,
36 matches
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